Defense Logistics Agency Energy launched a new comprehensive webpage to outline its efforts to support carbon pollution-free electricity.
In support of President Biden’s administration’s clean energy goals, DLA Energy is combining its acquisition expertise and strong industry partnerships to help the military services and whole-of-government partners achieve their climate change goals.
“The Department of Defense has an opportunity to lead the way in transitioning to carbon-free electricity,” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks in a DOD news release. “It’s not just critical to addressing the threat of climate change, but also to our national security as we work to secure U.S. competitiveness in rapidly-shifting global energy markets.”
On Dec. 8, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order on Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability which sets the goal of the federal government sourcing 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030, at least half of which will be locally supplied clean energy to meet 24/7 demand. The EO emphasizes the need for a coordinated, whole-of-government approach requiring significant cross-agency collaboration.
Carbon pollution-free electricity, or CFE, means electrical energy produced from resources that generate no carbon emissions including marine energy, solar, wind, hydrokinetic (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, renewably sourced hydrogen, and electrical energy generation from fossil resources to the extent there is active capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions meeting EPA requirements.
Since 1998, DLA Energy Installation Energy has been procuring electricity, renewable energy and energy conservation measures to help military installations and federal agencies meet facility energy requirements, reduce carbon footprint and save money.
In February 2022, DLA Energy and GSA published a request for information on carbon pollution-free electricity on to obtain market information and capabilities from vendors and other interested parties in supplying carbon pollution-free electricity to the U.S. government in locations with competitive retail electric markets.
“The Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity RFI is an example of how DLA Energy is collaborating with GSA to use our collective scale and procurement power to achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030,” said DLA Energy Installation Director Pam Griffith. “One purpose of the RFI is to better understand the capabilities, methods and pricing aspects of supplying the scale of clean energy needed. This information will help shape future procurement strategies for use in transitioning our retail supply contracts.”
You can learn more about DLA Energy’s initiatives on its Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity webpage including fact sheets, a trifold brochure, pictures and examples of clean energy projects at military installations around the world.
Solicitations for carbon pollution-free electricity including a request for proposal for the Eielson Air Force Base Micro-Reactor Pilot Program can be found on the on the website by searching Contract Opportunities.
Read about all of DLA Energy’s support of clean energy and energy savings efforts on the DLA website.