Search For Property

Find and acquire items to reutilize from Disposition Services

DLA Disposition Services offers a wide variety of serviceable property for Reutilization, Transfer, or Donation (RTD) to DOD units and other additional agencies. Property reutilized through Disposition Services is at no cost to the receiving DOD activity in most cases. In many cases there will be no shipping charge.

In order to utilize RTD programs, DOD customers must register in the AMPS website in order to request a user account and password to search and requisition from the excess property inventory. To begin this process, click the "How do I get access to RTD" button. If you have already created an account and want to become more familiar with RTD Web, click the "How do I search for property" or "How do I create a Want List" buttons.

Program-specific questions can be asked by emailing the RTD Office.

New to RTD? Here is how to get started.

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STEP 1: Gaining Access via AMPS

Gaining Access via AMPS

Access is managed by AMPS, the Account Management and Provisioning System

To begin: navigate to the AMPS Website and select the "Click HERE for Access to AMPS" Link.

Click "OK" on the following pop-up page.

On the following page click "First Time User? Click Here to Register"


Select your user type:

  • DLA, DOD employee, DOD Contractor, or US Military personnel select Federal Agency User/ Contractor.

  • Select Public if you are General Public, State and local government, or Federal Agency other than DOD.


Read and accept the DLA Privacy Act Statement page.

Enter all of your information next to the asterisks (required fields) and then click "Next".


Select three security questions and type in your answers. Then create a password. Please make sure you follow the rules listed to the right. Once you are finished click "Next".


On the following page, verify that all the provided information is correct and click the "Create Account" button. You will then receive your username. Make sure to save this. Now click "Login to AMPS" link to use your newly created account with provided username.


Once a user has created their account in AMPS, they now need to request the one required Role to gain access to the ETIDWeb System (DLA Disposition Prod – ETID Customer DDS-514).

Once back at the login screen, enter in the provided UserID and Password and click "Login".


On the main AMPS Page, click "Request Role" and click "Accept".


Verify all your information is correct and click "Next". If your information is not correct please correct it and then click "Next".


Click "DLA Enterprise Applications" and the roles will show down below .

If requesting access for ETID: Select "DLA Disposition Prod - ETID Customer DDS-514" from the left and move it over to the right by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.

If requesting access for RTD:
External RTD Customers (not DLA employees)
  • Select "DLA Disposition Prod - RTD Customer DDS-413" from the left and move it over to the right by clicking the arrow pointing to the right.
Internal Customers- DLA Employees only
  • Disposition Services employees request DLA DISPOSITION PROD – SITE USER DDS-408
  • All other DLA employees request DLA DISPOSITION PROD – RTD CUSTOMER SCREENER DDS-369
Additionally DLA users should request:
EBS Prod Additional – EBS Portal Disp Svcs RTD User JD-00854” OR “EBS Prod Additional – EBS Portal Disp Svcs RTD User JD-0854B


Then click "Next".

Type in your justification for the role request. Then click "Next" in the upper right hand corner


Verify that all of the information presented is correct, and then click the "Submit" button.


Two emails will then be received.

The first will be a notification of the role submittal.

The second will be a notification that the role request has been approved.

When the second email is received, wait about 1 hour before trying to sign into the RTD application, but not more than 8 hours. Otherwise, a password reset may be required.

Also, if an error message, such as "User Authentication Failed" is received when trying to log into the RTD Web External Business Portal, a password reset in AMPS will be required.

Once this has been completed, please proceed to Step Two, registering an account

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STEP 2: Registering for an RTD Account via EEBP

RTD Account

RTD Accounts are managed by the DLA Enterprise External Business Portal

To begin with RTD, start with navigating to the site. 

Internal DLA Users - DLA Enterprise External Business Portal

External RTD Customers - RTD Website


If you have a CAC Card, select your email certificate, click ‘OK’ and enter your PIN if prompted. If you do not have a CAC Card, you will be prompted for your USER ID & password.


Select the Disposition Services tab on the top of the screen

Then select the RTD link on the left hand side of the page


This is RTD Web, you will now need to request an RTD role to allow you to search for DLA property.

This is accomplished on this webpage (not in AMPS). At the bottom of the page click on Request Role.


Select the Application that you require. Military customers (including DOD Employees and Contactors) select "Department of Defense".

Next select the Role you need. If you are not an ASO (Account Supply Officer) then select screener. Then click on Submit.

*Note: Do not select ASO if you are not authorized to do so. If you are not sure, contact your chain of command first. For this example we will select DOD Screener.

Click Submit


Next, complete the application by entering in all of the relevant information to their corresponding blocks. Ensure all your information is correct to include your requisitioning DODAAC, then hit the "Submit" button.


The request for your RTD web role has now been sent for review. You will receive an email when it has been either approved or disapproved.

Once your RTD web role is approved, you will need to log back into the External Business Portal.

If your role is disapproved, you will be provided with an explanation in RTD Web.

You should now see a DOD link has been added to your list to the left. You are now ready to start screening for property.

Already have an account? Learn more about RTD here.

Learn more about the Applications related to RTD