Disposition Services




Map Directions

Hours Address Additional Info

RTD Only

Turn in Appts.
77 Rock Avenue
Fort Meade, MD 20755-0388

Schedule a Turn-In

schedule icon

Generators of excess property approved for turn-in by their servicing Disposal Service Representative (DSR) will make an appointment at a DLA Disposition Services site by utilizing organic/self-transport, work with the Transportation Management Office (TMO) to transport or arrange with DLA Disposition Services to utilize the Generator’s Transportation Account Code (TAC) to provide for transportation costs. Generator is responsible for the packaging and loading of property in all scenarios.

Scheduler Tool Link 

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Phone Commercial

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Phone DSN

Disposal Service Representative

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DSRs are the first points of contact when getting rid of excess property. They provide expert guidance assisting with your disposal needs. Check out the Digital DSR for more disposal related information and resources.

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Phone Commercial

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Phone DSN


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Scrap property is defined as that material that has no value except for its basic material content. For more information about scrap, please visit the Digital DSR.

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Phone Commercial

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Phone DSN


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DLA Disposition Services manages the disposal of hazardous property for DoD activities. We maximize the use of each item and minimize the environmental risks and the costs associated with its disposal.

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Phone Commercial

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Phone DSN


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Reutilization, Transfer, and Donation.  Agencies within the DOD and special programs that are provided for by regulation are allowed to reutilize excess DOD property. Find out more about RTD on the Digital DSR.

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Scheduler Tool Link 
Email DRMSMeadeDSR@dla.mil

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Phone Commercial

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Phone DSN

Site Leadership

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If needed, site leadership can be contacted directly for issue resolution or additional information.

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Area Manager Email DRMSMeadeAreaManager@dla.mil

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Site Lead Commercial
Area Manager Commercial

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Site Lead DSN
Area Manager DSN


DoD CAC Card Holders (Privately Owned Vehicles POV)

Take 295 South to Route 175 East to Reece Road.

Turn right onto Reece Road. The Visitor Control Center (VCC) will be on the right

Follow Reece Road to McArthur Road and turn left. Bear right onto Mapes Road.

Turn Left onto Taylor Avenue, follow to the end and turn right onto Rock Avenue.

The DLA Disposition Services at Meade warehouse, building 77, is on the left. Make sure to have two forms of ID (i.e. Driver’s license, Passport, etc.).

Last Dock apt is 1400.


DoD CAC Card Holders (Commercial Vehicles i.e. Tractor Trailers)

From Route 32 East, take Exit 8, follow signs in the traffic circle to NSA/FORT MEADE COMMERCIAL TRUCKS/DELIVERIES.

After inspection stay straight on O’Brien through the light. O’Brien will curve to the left turning into Dutt Road

Yield right at next intersection onto Zimborski. Zimborski will immediately curve to the left turning into Rock Ave.

Turn right on Remount Road. Turn right into the fenced in area outside the warehouse.


Personnel without a DoD CAC Card

All Visitors, to include Commercial Vehicles will need to be sponsored by DLA if they are going to be frequenting the base more than once per year.

If it will only be one time within a one-year time period, they will need to call the DLA office at 301-677-3638 and someone will meet them at the VCC and sponsor them for the day.

Those personnel that will be need to be sponsored will need to send a fillable form 191 as well as two forms of identification such as a Driver’s license and your social card. Emailed in color to the point of contact (POC) along with the fillable 191. The site can be emailed at DRMSMeadeDSR@dla.mil to receive base access forms.

Please email all information to both emails just in case one of them is out of the office.

Once you have emailed all of the information that is required one of the POCs will then forward all of your information to the VCC.

Once the VCC has gotten the information they will send your information to the local Police Department on Fort Meade and they will run a local back ground check on you.

Once the background check comes back you will then be able to go to the VCC which is located on Reece Road to receive your visitors badge.


Directions are as follows to the Reece Road Gate

Take 295 South to Route 175 East to Reece Road.

Turn right onto Reece Road. The Visitor Control Center (VCC) will be on the right

Follow Reece Road to McArthur Road and turn left. Bear right onto Mapes Road.

Turn Left onto Taylor Avenue, follow to the end and turn right onto Rock Avenue.

The DLA Disposition Services at Meade warehouse, building 77, is on the left. Make sure to have two forms of ID (i.e. Driver's license, Passport, etc.)

Please note that tractor trailers cannot enter through this gate as it is not big enough, you will either need to enter with a regular sized vehicle or park your truck along the road of the REECE Road gate entrance.

Need to update this page?

Please use the change request form for routine Site Locator page updates.
For non-standard updates contact the Disposition Services Web Team via email.