Disposition Services




Map Directions

Hours Address Additional Info
Bldg. 3471, Burrill Road
Fort Sill, OK 73503

Schedule a Turn-In

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Generators of excess property approved for turn-in by their servicing Disposal Service Representative (DSR) will make an appointment at a DLA Disposition Services site by utilizing organic/self-transport, work with the Transportation Management Office (TMO) to transport or arrange with DLA Disposition Services to utilize the Generator’s Transportation Account Code (TAC) to provide for transportation costs. Generator is responsible for the packaging and loading of property in all scenarios.

Scheduler Tool Link 

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Phone Commercial


Disposal Service Representative

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DSRs are the first points of contact when getting rid of excess property. They provide expert guidance assisting with your disposal needs. Check out the Digital DSR for more disposal related information and resources.

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Phone Commercial


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Scrap property is defined as that material that has no value except for its basic material content. For more information about scrap, please visit the Digital DSR.

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Phone Commercial


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DLA Disposition Services manages the disposal of hazardous property for DoD activities. We maximize the use of each item and minimize the environmental risks and the costs associated with its disposal.

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Phone Commercial


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Reutilization, Transfer, and Donation.  Agencies within the DOD and special programs that are provided for by regulation are allowed to reutilize excess DOD property. Find out more about RTD on the Digital DSR.

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Scheduler Tool Link 
Email DRMSSillDSR@dla.mil

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Phone Commercial

Site Leadership

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If needed, site leadership can be contacted directly for issue resolution or additional information.

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Area Manager Email drmssillareamanager@dla.mil

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Site Lead Comm
Area Manager Comm



Personnel only: 
From I-44 take Rogers Lane (US 62 West Exit), proceed to Sheridan Road North Exit, enter Fort Sill Gate proceed North on Sheridan Road until first stoplight, Mow-Way Road. 
Turn left on Mow-Way, then turn right on Burrill Road and proceed to Building 3471 (Right side of the Road).   

Commercial Truck Entrance: 
From I-44 use exit 45. IF YOU ARE COMING FROM (East) OKC,OK TURN RIGHT, IF YOU ARE COMING FROM WICHITA FALLS, TX TURN LEFT go about ¼ mile and on the left side of the road will be the entrance to the base.  
Go to the guard shack on top of the hill and check in.  Stay on Apache gate road until you come to a stop light, Sheridan Road, turn right on Sheridan Road. At the next stop light, turn right on Miner Road. 
Stay on Miner Road until you get to Burrill Road. Make a left turn on Burrill Road, and Building 3471 will be on the left side of the road.  
Once security checks are complete.

 Contact this office at 580-354-7579, 580-354-7580, 580-354-7577.

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Please use the change request form for routine Site Locator page updates.
For non-standard updates contact the Disposition Services Web Team via email.