Catalog Tools Tables

These tables contain the data required to maintain the characteristics portion of the Federal Catalog System. We have categorized each file as primarily oriented to Item Names; Federal Supply Class (FSC) / Federal Supply Group (FSG); Edit Guides; Master Requirements Directory (MRD); MRD Traditional Version; Drawing Cross Reference files; Reference Drawing Group (RDG) files; FIIG Edit Guides; NATO H6 file; Taxonomy Tables; Item Identification Guides; or the Edit Guide Redesign (EGR) Tables.

The data in each table file is updated monthly including RDGs. Table files are updated around the 20th of each month and RDGs are updated around the 1st. These files may be downloaded free of charge at any time. Each zip file contains a data file -- you can locate the record layout file in a separate column.

For an explanation about how these files are used in the NATO Codification System, go to ACodP-1, Chapter II, Sub-Section 257.

Any comments or questions specific to the content of these files should be directed to

For technical issues please contact the DISA Global Service Desk at 844-347-2457 (844-DISA-HLP) or DSN 850-0032 (press 5, then speak or enter D-L-A).

Download Instructions

  • Ensure your file archiver is up-to-date
  • Internet Explorer: <Right Click> File Name and "Save Target as..."
  • Netscape: <Right Click> File Name and "Save Link Target as..."
  • Other Browsers: Follow browser specific instructions

Item Name Tables


Contains the Item Name Code (INC) for the colloquial item name and cross references the related INC   

File Name File Size Date Last Record Layout
Tabl091 (Zip Version) 170,683 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL091-RL.TXT


Contains all the INCs, colloquial names and basic names

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl098 (Zip Version) 3,893,526 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL098-RL.TXT

Table 099 NM_CD_FSC_XREF

Identifies the Federal Supply Class (FSC) allowed for a specific INC

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl099 (Zip Version) 339,923 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL099-RL.TXT


Contains all of the Non-Approved Item Names (NAINs)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl363 (Zip Version) 6,071,383 Bytes  9/17/2024 TABL363-RL.TXT


Contains each word from all item names, cross-referenced to the Pseudo INC (PINC)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl364 (Zip Version) 12,598,175 Bytes 9/17/2024 TABL364-RL.TXT

Table 557 NAIN_WORDS

Contains approved words for Non-Approved Item Names and Word Types. 

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl557 (Zip Version) 55,195 Bytes 08/05/2024 TABL557-RL.TXT


Contains replacement INCs for cancelled INCs

File Name File Size Date Last Updated  Record Layout
Tabl990 (Zip Version) 17,812 Bytes  9/17/2024 TABL990-RL.TXT

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Federal Supply Class (FSC)/ Federal Supply Group (FSG) Tables


Contains all active FSCs

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl076 (Zip Version 65,358 Bytes  9/17/2024 TABL076-RL.TXT


Contains all active FSGs 

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl316 (Zip Version) 5,829 Bytes  9/17/2024 TABL316-RL.TXT

Table 120 EDIT_GUIDE_1

Contains edits for Item Name Code Requirements (LGD)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl120 (Zip Version) 6,578,876 Bytes  9/17/2024 TABL120-RL.TXT

Table 121 EDIT_GUIDE_2

Contains LGA (technical edits), LGB (relationship edits) and LGC (proportional/Identified Secondary Address Coding edits)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl121 (Zip Version) 32,847,756  9/17/2024  TABL121-RL.TXT

Table 122 EDIT_GUIDE_3

Contains Federal Item Identification Guide (FIIG) to INC cross-reference

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl122 (Zip Version) 128,342 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL122-RL.TXT

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Master Requirements Directory (MRD) Tables

Table 124 NATO_ISAC_EXTRACT table

Contains the entire Master Requirements Directory

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl124 (Zip Version) 50,959 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL124-RL.TXT


Contains ISAC table numbers, ISAC codes and ISAC replies

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl125 (Zip Version) 220,155 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL125-RL.TXT

Table 126 MRC_RPLY_TAB

Contains Master Requirement Codes (MRCs) with assigned reply table numbers

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl126 (Zip Version)  107,022 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL126-RL.TXT

Table 127 MRD_DECODE

Contains MRCs, assigned Mode Codes, reply to formats and Requirement Titles

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl127 (Zip Version) 494,353 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL127-RL.TXT


Contains Reply Tables and Codes

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl128 (Zip Version) 1,376,514 Bytes   9/17/2024  TABL128-RL.TXT


Contains Styles and Titles

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl131 (Zip Version) 1,661,019 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL131-RL.TXT


Contains MRC Requirement definitions

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl347 (Zip Version) 403,036 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL347-RL.TXT

Table 390 MODE_CD_EDIT

Contains reply formats for each Mode Code

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Tabl390 (Zip Version) 368 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL390-RL.TXT

Table 391 MRD_KEY_GRP_CD

Contains the nineteen basic requirement categories

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Table391 (Zip Version)  325 Bytes  9/17/2024  TABL391-RL.TXT

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Drawing Cross Reference Tables (DCR)

Drawing Cross Reference Tables will no longer be provided as they have become obsolete as a result of Edit Guide Simplification Phase 4 (e.g., No longer utilizing Reference Drawing Groups or Section ID's within IIG Documents). The files below remain for historical purposes only. See Master Requirement Directory Table 131 STYL_RPLY_TAB for FIIG, INC, MRC, Style Number, Title and Physical Drawing ID for all answerable drawing images. Send all inquiries to   FIIGS@DLA.MIL

Item Identification Guide Drawing Image Library

Contains the full set of drawings for all Item Identification Guides. A second file, 'change.txt', is also shown below. If it is empty, there were no changes or updates for this month's file.

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
IIG Lib Images (Zip Version) 161,931,891 Bytes 9/09/2024
Change (Text Version)  0 Bytes 5/6/2024

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MRD Files Traditional (MRDT)

Contains the entire Master Requirements Directory (Traditional Version)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
MRD (Zip Version)

4,528,903 Bytes

 8/06/2024  MRD-RL.TXT

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FIIG Edit Guide

Contains Edit Guide 1 and Edit Guide 2 data (LGA, LGB, LGC, and LGD) in 85 card column format

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
FIIGEditGuide (Zip Version)  53,466,367 Bytes 9/17/2024 FIIGEDITGUIDE-RL.TXT

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NATO H6 Item Name File (NH6)

Contains NATO H6 Item Name data in variable length format

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
NATO-H6 (Zip Version) 4,237,855 Bytes 9/17/2024 NATO-H6-RL.TXT

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Contains the tables associated with decoding data to derive Schedule B codes

File Name File Size Date Last Updated Record Layout
Taxonomy_Tables (Zip Version) 3,791,098 Bytes 09/11/2024  TAXONOMY.doc

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Item Identification Guides (IIG)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
IIGXML_Library (Zip Version) 556,164,779 Bytes 9/9/2024
IIGXML_Monthly_Additions (Zip Version) 6,760 Bytes 9/9/2024
IIGXML_Monthly_Updates (Zip Version) 440,188 Bytes 9/9/2024
IIG_Library (Zip Version) 609,055,978 Bytes 9/9/2024
IIG_Monthly_Additions (Zip Version) 1,727,020 Bytes 9/9/2024
IIG_Monthly_Updates (Zip Version) 2,223,908 Bytes 9/9/2024

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Edit Guide Redesign (EGR) Tables


Contains the technical edit or LGA for L mode code MRCs

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl462 (Zip Version) 905,860 Bytes 7/1/2013


File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl463 (Zip Version) 8,190,880 Bytes 7/1/2013


Specific ISAC is identified on this table

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl464 (Zip Version) 5,635,596 Bytes 7/1/2013

Table 465 CHAR_REL_EDIT_1

This table contains the requirement reply response needed for the first part of the relationship statements (LGB data)

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl465 (Zip Version) 1,595,020 Bytes 7/1/2013

Table 466 CHAR_REL_EDIT_2

This table houses the remainder of the LGB response

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl466 (Zip Version) 2,441,381 Bytes 7/1/2013

Table 467 CHAR_TECH_EDIT_1

Part of the technical edit (LGA) for all non-L mode code MRCs

File Name File Size Date Last Updated
Tabl467 (Zip Version) 65,669,781 Bytes 7/1/2013


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