
DLA Aviation News

Feb. 4, 2020

Army logisticians converge on Richmond

Twenty-four Army civilians, attending a two-week Army Logistics University Master Logistician Course being held at Fort Lee, Virginia, spent time at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, Jan. 30.

Feb. 3, 2020

Bellwood Elk get a visit from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

On a sunny, but slightly blistery January day, the herd of elk roaming inside the gated area on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, stared curiously at a man on the other side of the fence, who was holding a set of binoculars, pointing and scribbling something on a notepad.

Jan. 29, 2020

MLK legacy celebrated at National Cathedral

The Washington National Cathedral welcomed the family and supporters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 19 to commemorate his legacy and remind the nation of the struggles that continue as individuals and communities fight for equality under the law.

Jan. 27, 2020

DLA Aviation builds strong partnerships through customer engagement

Customer Relationship Management Cell team members traveled North Jan. 14 in support of the soldiers assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion “Wings of Freedom” at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Customer engagement visits, part of ongoing interactions between DLA and its customers, ensure close collaboration between the DLA Aviation workforce and its customers in an attempt to synchronize unit readiness and lethality.

Jan. 24, 2020

Networking at the speed of ‘just right’

How quickly can you get to know your co-workers? The Defense Logistics Agency Aviation’s Strategic Acquisition Programs Directorate clocked it at around three minutes during its speed networking event Jan. 15 in the Frank B. Lotts Conference Center on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia.

Jan. 21, 2020

Employee Spotlight: William Haywood

Employee spotlight regularly features outstanding non-supervisory personnel from throughout the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation and other DLA employees on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. Organizational directors may submit names of employees they wish to feature in this column to DLA Aviation Public Affairs. For more information, call (804) 279-3139.

Jan. 17, 2020

DLA Aviation marks MLK Day with call to service

The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. is multifaceted, but one of his lasting messages has been one of public service. Defense Logistics Agency Aviation’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity, in conjunction with its Strategic Acquisition Directorate, is celebrating MLK Day — a national day of service — with a call to employees to put on their community service hats and make life a little better for their fellow men and women.

Jan. 16, 2020

Thomas receives outstanding DLA Personnel of the Year Award

Rozenia Thomas, a Defense Logistics Agency Aviation materials expediter who works at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, was honored as the Outstanding Defense Logistics Agency Person of the Year during a ceremony held Dec. 6 at DLA Headquarters, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

Jan. 15, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Robert T. Dickerson, Jr.

Employee spotlight regularly features outstanding non-supervisory personnel from throughout the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation and other DLA employees on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. Organizational directors may submit names of employees they wish to feature in this column to DLA Aviation Public Affairs. For more information, call (804) 279-3139.

Jan. 9, 2020

Construction on new east gate at DSCR on schedule for spring opening

If you work on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, and either heard or seen construction crews, with their cranes, forklifts and big trucks coming or going over the last close to two years, you know a change is coming.

Jan. 7, 2020

DLA Aviation joins in exchange program with Europe

Seeds planted over a year ago are bearing fruit and strengthening partnerships between Defense Logistics Agency Aviation and Germany with the arrival of Raphael Kerwien in late August under the German Engineering and Scientist Exchange Program with the Department of Defense.

Dec. 30, 2019

DLA Commander spreads cheer to the Richmond workforce

During this time of holiday cheer, many across the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation enterprise took time to give back to their communities or enjoy time with co-workers during office holiday parties.

Dec. 27, 2019

Painting, woodworking and decorating miniature military aircraft helps spread holiday cheer across DLA Aviation

During this time of holiday cheer, many across the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation enterprise took time to give back to their communities or enjoy time with co-workers during office holiday parties. DLA Aviation Public Affairs asked you to send us photos and the response was overwhelming. We received dozens of photos showing off creative outfits, office parties, festive office decorations and boxes and boxes of gifts to be donated to those in need in your local communities. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be running stories highlighting these photos, so sit back, enjoy and Happy Holidays!!

Dec. 26, 2019

Holiday cheer spreads across DLA Aviation at Ogden

During this time of holiday cheer, many across the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation enterprise took time to give back to their communities or enjoy time with co-workers during office holiday parties.

Dec. 26, 2019

Holiday cheer spreads across DLA Aviation

During this time of holiday cheer, many across the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation enterprise took time to give back to their communities or enjoy time with co-workers during office holiday parties.