
DLA Europe And Africa News

Feb. 7, 2018

Deputy Commander DLA Europe & Africa visits DSCR on tour of agency’s MSCs

Gordon Hackett, deputy commander of Defense Logistics Agency Europe & Africa, visited DLA Aviation on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, Feb. 1 as part of a week-long familiarization tour of the agency’s major subordinate commands to find out more about their current missions.

Dec. 22, 2017

DLA personnel brave Belgian cold, honor WWII heroes in memorial walk

Members of the DLA Europe & Africa team braved winter weather Dec. 16 to participate in the 40th Annual Bastogne Memorial Walk in Belgium, commemorating the heroic stand made by U.S. and British forces during the Ardennes Offensive — also known as the Battle of the Bulge.

Nov. 16, 2017

New DLA Strategic Plan lays out goals for 2018-2026

DLA is reaffirming its commitment to support warfighter readiness with its new 2018-2026 Strategic Plan, which supports DoD priorities to build a more lethal force, reinforce alliances with industry and government partners, and reform business practices.

Sept. 15, 2017

A base in a box: 86th MMS keeps Air Force ready for action

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the Ramstein Air Base website — Somewhere in the Luxembourg countryside, armed guards keep watch over a compound of non-descript warehouses and storage containers. Each warehouse in the facility holds a different surprise, but those coming in will find that most of these treasures are kept hidden under lock and key.

Sept. 6, 2017

Troop Support commander addresses workforce in Germany

The commander of DLA Troop Support was in familiar territory when he addressed the workforce in Kaiserslautern, Germany Aug. 28. Col. Mark Simerly graduated from high school in Frankfurt and had two assignments in Germany.

Sept. 1, 2017

Saving Lives: DLA ensures military gets meds in emergencies

Lorinda Ferraiolo isn't a doctor or a nurse. But when there was a life-or-death medical emergency at an Air Force base in Japan, she got the urgent message.

Sept. 1, 2017

DLA Aviation employee finds job satisfaction through deployment

A DLA Aviation employee has volunteered for deployments around the world, from Kosovo to Haiti to Djibouti and more.

Sept. 1, 2017

Djibouti First

DLA Europe & Africa uses local procurement programs such as Djibouti First to supply troops while also supporting local economies.

July 26, 2017

Engineers improve training center in Romania with DLA-provided materials

The MRO team at DLA Troop Support Europe and Africa provided stones, lumber, concrete and other materials used to improve the Joint National Training Center in Romania for Resolute Castle 2017, an exercise to strengthen NATO forces’ capability to train and respond to threats within the region.

April 1, 2017

A Conversation with ... DLA’s Regional Commanders

Army Col. Derrin Williams, commander of DLA Central Command & Special Operations Command; Army Col. Lisa Keough, commander of DLA Europe & Africa; and Navy Capt. Timothy Daniels, commander of DLA Pacific discuss the recent command-and-control change to streamline how DLA supports customers in combatant commands — otherwise known as C2