
DLA Europe And Africa News

July 26, 2017

Engineers improve training center in Romania with DLA-provided materials

The MRO team at DLA Troop Support Europe and Africa provided stones, lumber, concrete and other materials used to improve the Joint National Training Center in Romania for Resolute Castle 2017, an exercise to strengthen NATO forces’ capability to train and respond to threats within the region.

April 1, 2017

A Conversation with ... DLA’s Regional Commanders

Army Col. Derrin Williams, commander of DLA Central Command & Special Operations Command; Army Col. Lisa Keough, commander of DLA Europe & Africa; and Navy Capt. Timothy Daniels, commander of DLA Pacific discuss the recent command-and-control change to streamline how DLA supports customers in combatant commands — otherwise known as C2

Dec. 15, 2016

DLA Energy Europe and Africa Petroleum laboratory featured in Facebook video

Defense Logistics Agency Energy Europe and Africa Petroleum laboratory in Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Germany, is featured in a 21st Theater Sustainment Command Facebook video.

June 3, 2016

TF Steel Knight keeps essential supplies moving for Exercise Anakonda

Soldiers from 39th Transportation Battalion arrived at Drawsko-Pomorskie training area May 10 to execute onward movement for exercise Anakonda 2016 and worked to accomplish that logistics mission during subsequent weeks.

Aug. 24, 2015

DLA director visits personnel, tours Europe and Africa regional command

Defense Logistics Agency Director Air Force Lt. Gen. Andy Busch made a site visit to DLA Energy Europe & Africa headquarters in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Aug. 14 during a weeklong trip to the region.

May 7, 2015

‘Two Continents, One Mission:’ May/June Loglines available

The May/June issue of Loglines magazine, “Two Continents, One Mission,” is now available in print and online. The issue takes an in-depth look at how Defense Logistics Agency Europe & Africa supports Defense Department operations on both continents

Oct. 2, 2014

Contracting officer ensures requirements for missile defense camp are right

The initial customer requirements for materials to build a camp in Romania were vague and incomplete, said a contracting officer with Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Europe and Africa.