Schedule a Turn-In Online

The Scheduler tool was designed specifically to work hand-in-hand with the Electronic Turn-In Documents (ETIDs) application (learn more about ETIDs). Turn-Ins created in ETIDS are fed to the Scheduler and can be selected from within the tool. Please note that it is not mandatory to use ETIDs in conjunction with Scheduler. Scheduler can be used independently of the ETIDs application.

How do you want to deliver property to DLA Disposition Services?

  1. I want to deliver the property myself.
  2. I want to work through my local Transportation Management Office.
  3. I want to work through the DLA-Disposition Services Transportation Branch.
  4. I want to attempt a Receipt in Place.
  1. I want to deliver the property myself.
    1. Make an appointment here – DLA's Disposition Services Transportation Scheduler (DSTS)
    2. Expect to receive appointment confirmation within three business days.
    3. Confirm the appointment five business days prior to delivering the property to the site.
    4. Execute the shipment of property.
  2. I want to work through my local Transportation Management Office.
    1. Make an appointment here – DLA's Disposition Services Transportation Scheduler (DSTS)
    2. Expect an auto-generated e-mail to provide you with a request number.
    3. Expect to receive appointment confirmation within three business days.
    4. Contact your local TMO to schedule the pickup and delivery of the property.  
    5. Confirm the appointment with DLA-Disposition Services five business days prior to the property pickup date.
    6. Confirm the pickup appointment with TMO prior to the scheduled pickup date in accordance with local standard operating procedure.
    7. Execute the shipment of property.
  3. I want to work through the DLA-Disposition Services Transportation Branch.
    1. Make an appointment here – DLA's Disposition Services Transportation Scheduler (DSTS). Do NOT include any TAC information in this request.
    2. Expect an auto-generated e-mail to provide you with a request number.
    3. Expect to receive appointment confirmation within three business days.
    4. Provide a transaction specific TAC authorization memo and other service specific funding approval paperwork to this organizational mailbox: Include in the email subject line: DLA Request #________ / TAC Authorization Memo for Verification
    5. Expect an email notification from a DLA-Disposition Services Transportation Branch representative once all information is verified an transportation and has been scheduled.
    6. Confirm the appointment five business days prior to delivering the property to the site.
    7. Execute the shipment of property.
  4. Receipt in Place
    1. See this link: Receipt in Place (


Shipment Packaging and Preparation

All shipments to DLA Disposition Services must be safe for transport and follow DOT and USTRANSCOM regulations. Shipments must be safe for DLA personnel to offload using a standard forklift.

Disposition Services does not ship Hazardous Waste.

For Transportation Assistance

Please call the Transportation Office at (800) 468-8289 or email at