
Reasonable Accommodations

Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation

If you are an employee

Tell your supervisor or your Disability Program Coordinator (DPC) what you need and that it’s because you have a disability. You can do this in person, on the phone, by email, in writing, or on DLA Form 1887. If you don’t use DLA Form 1887, the DPC will ask you to fill it out later.

Contact Info for Disability Program Coordinators (DLA Employees Only)

If you are an applicant who needs an accommodation for your interview

Tell the HR Specialist in charge of the job that you applied for that you have a disability and what accommodation you need. The HR specialist’s phone number and email address is listed in the Job Announcement.

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What is a Reasonable Accommodation

A Reasonable Accommodation (RA) is anything that DLA can do to allow you to do your job when you have a long-term disability. Your disability would have to limit you when:

  • Doing the essential functions of your job, OR
  • Enjoying the benefits or privileges of your job.

You have to be a qualified person, which means that:

  1. You can do the essential functions of your job, with an accommodation, if you need one.
  2. You have all needed skills, experience, education, certifications, etc.

Some examples of Reasonable Accommodations:

  • Make existing facilities readily accessible
  • Buy or change equipment
  • Get a qualified reader or interpreter
  • Modify your work schedule or make your job part-time
  • Adjust examinations, training materials, or policies
  • Restructure your job
  • Reassign you to a vacant position. (This is used as a last resort.)

Essential Functions

A part of your job may be essential if:

  • Your job exists to do that role.
  • You were hired for your expertise or ability to do that particular task.

DLA will decide which parts of your job are essential, mainly with your position description.

Medical Documents

After you make your request, your supervisor may request medical documents through your DPC to confirm you have a qualified disability.

Interactive Process

The interactive process starts as soon as you request a reasonable accommodation. You and your supervisor will work together and engage in the interactive process to identify effective accommodations. You should first explain how your disability limits you in performing your job. Next, you all will review your functional limitations and discuss possible accommodations. The decision maker (supervisor or higher-level management) will then decide which effective RA will be approved/provided.  For requests that require higher level approval the supervisor will be the recommending official. The request will be sent to the approval authority for decision.

Undue Hardship

Your request for accommodation will be denied if providing the accommodation would cause DLA significant difficulty or expense, based on DLA’s resources and the operation of your specific department.

Interim Accommodations

When you request an accommodation, your supervisor will try to give you an interim accommodation as soon as possible. This is a temporary accommodation until your supervisor makes a decision. It may be terminated or modified at any time. If the DPC doesn’t get your medical documents in time, the interim accommodation will be stopped.

Re-evaluation of an Accommodation

DLA may elect to re-evaluate whether your accommodation is still:

  • Effective
  • Appropriate
  • Not causing DLA undue hardship.

This is supposed to happen after a change in:

  • Your work environment
  • Business systems, operations, and mission
  • The essential functions of your position
  • Your medical condition
  • Technology or devices that can meet your needs.

The DPC will facilitate the re-evaluation.
You can request a re-evaluation, the DPC can request it, or a management official can request it. If you didn’t request the re-evaluation, the DPC will tell you about it in writing.

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Useful Definitions

Essential function

A part of your job that must be done because:

  • Your job exists to do that role.
  • The task can’t be split among enough other employees.
  • You were hired for your expertise or ability to do that particular task.

Functional limitations

The ways that your disability limit you.

Interactive process

When you request a reasonable accommodation, your supervisor will discuss possible interim accommodations. This is a temporary accommodation until a decision is made on your request. The interim accommodation may be terminated or modified at any time. If the DPC doesn’t receive your documentation within the requested timeframe your reasonable accommodation request will be closed and the interim accommodation will be revoked. 

Medical documents

Any information from your doctor. DLA needs your doctor to confirm you have a disability, and determine your functional limitations. Please click the following link for the medical documentation request form - Medical Documentation Request to Support Reasonable Accommodation

Person with a Disability

A person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Qualified person

A person who can perform the essential functions of the job, with an accommodation, if you need one.

Reasonable Accommodation

Anything that DLA can do to allow you to do your job when you have a long-term disability.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Listed in Title 42 of the United States Code, from section 12101 to section 12213 . The act defines disability and explains when employers must accommodate a person who has a disability. Details of these sections of Title 42 were updated after congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008.

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