
DLA News Archive

Tag: Operations

Oct. 10, 2017

Agency’s first forum with Corps of Engineers proves successful

The director of the Defense Logistics Agency welcomed leaders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leaders to the inaugural USACE/DLA Day at the McNamara Headquarters Complex Sept. 28, to explore mutual goals and capabilities.

July 17, 2017

Herndon takes command of DLA CENTCOM & SOCOM in ceremony

Defense Logistics Agency Central Command and Special Operations Command bade farewell to Army Col. Derrin Williams during a July 7 change-of-command ceremony at CENTCOM headquarters, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.

July 13, 2017

DLA Logistics Operations director retires after 35 years of Navy service

Navy Rear Adm. Vincent Griffith expected time in the Navy to be the launching point for his dream career in big business. Instead, it filled him with such overwhelming patriotism and loyalty that a few years turned into 35.

Dec. 21, 2016

Expeditionary Airmen collaborate to repair active runway, continue fight to defeat ISIL

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the U.S. Air Forces Central Command website — Over the span of 15 days 380th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron members successfully coordinated the removal of accumulated rubber build-up off of 560,000 square feet of an active runway at an undisclosed location, Dec. 19.

Oct. 14, 2016

DLA Rapid Deployment Team leads agency in support for Haiti relief

A DLA Rapid Deployment Team and personnel from across the agency recently deployed to Haiti to provide a range of services, supplies, expertise and infrastructure as the agency assists in disaster relief following Hurricane Matthew.

Aug. 17, 2016

Foreign-travel employee requirements and tips

If you're a DLA employee who will be traveling internationally for work in two months or less, now is the time to make sure you've fulfilled all the travel requirements, which go well beyond just completing your travel orders.