
DLA News Archive

Tag: hurricane support

Oct. 20, 2022

Hurricane Sandy: DLA brought relief to millions following historic storm

Employees throughout DLA showed the nation just how abundantly it could support Americans in need after Hurricane Sandy, a 2012 storm so potent National Geographic called it “a raging freak of nature.”

July 21, 2022

DLA prepares to act swiftly during hurricane season

Hurricane season runs from the early summer to late fall, but the Defense Logistics Agency prepares year-round to respond to natural disasters. In 2021, DLA provided $40 million in hurricane support, according to the Whole of Government Division. This included 752,000 gallons of fuel, 809,000 meals, 126 leased generators and 49 deployed civilians.

Sept. 4, 2019

DLA poised to support relief operations in wake of Hurricane Dorian 

The Defense Logistics Agency is prepositioning necessities like food and fuel along the east coast for first responders who’ll support relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Dorian.

Sept. 19, 2018

DLA sends critical supplies to recovery teams, victims after Florence

First responders assessing damage wrought by Hurricane Florence and military officials resuming operations after days of installation closures have access to fuel, generators and other critical supplies pre-positioned at federal staging bases by the Defense Logistics Agency.

Oct. 25, 2017

DLA partners to provide map support for hurricane relief

The string of hurricanes that hit the U.S. Gulf Coast, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in August and September required immediate action, most notably printing maps and providing communications and IT support for emergency response.