
DLA News Archive

Tag: Nuclear

July 10, 2024

Sentinel Land-Based Nuclear Modernization Program Will Continue, With Changes

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the DOD news website — The Defense Department decision to continue to modernize Sentinel comes after the Air Force notified Congress that the program had exceeded its baseline cost and triggered what is known as a Nunn-McCurdy breach. Sentinel was a proposed US Army anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system designed to provide a light layer of protection over the entire United States, able to defend against small Inter Continental Ballistic Missile strikes like those expected from adversaries (China, Russia, North Korea or other states).

June 11, 2021

Nuclear enterprise, process improvement champion to be inducted into DLA Hall of Fame

Former DLA Director Air Force Lt. Gen. Andy Busch, who was best known for reaffirming the agency’s commitment to the nuclear enterprise, is among nine new inductees into the 2020 DLA Hall of Fame. 

Aug. 28, 2018

DLA strengthens the nation’s nuclear enterprise by safeguarding nuclear-weapons-related material that enters the agency’s doors

DLA strengthens the nation’s nuclear enterprise by safeguarding nuclear-weapons-related material that enters the agency’s doors.

Aug. 28, 2017

Multifaceted DLA Aviation employee’s service supports nuclear mission

A technical sergeant in the Defense Logistics Agency Reserve Force predates most of the weapons systems he supports — but both DLA and the individual regard an unusual path to service as leading to the same destination: uncompromised readiness.

March 17, 2017

Director calls for sustained support to nuclear enterprise

The director of the Defense Logistics Agency joined with senior leaders from partner agencies to discuss how DLA can continue to improve its support to the nuclear enterprise, during a DLA Internal Nuclear Enterprise Summit at the McNamara Headquarters Complex March 8.

Nov. 8, 2016

DLA employees supporting nuclear enterprise receive Air Force training

About 30 employees from Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters and its field activities who are involved in supporting the Department of Defense nuclear mission attended the Nuclear Management Executive Course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Nov. 1-2.