
DLA News Archive

Tag: Women's Equality Day

Sept. 5, 2024

Women’s Equality Day: Director of AFMETCAL speaks about solving the equity puzzle

Air Force Metrology and Calibration Director Jill Watson offered a unique perspective on what equality means for women in federal service at the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Women’s Equality Day program Aug. 28 at the Operations Center Auditorium.

Aug. 27, 2024

Women’s Equality Day: Life coach challenges employees to learn from the past to improve the future

In observance of Women’s Equality Day, employees from across the McNamara Headquarters Complex gathered in the Kabeiseman Conference Room to learn about the importance of equality and belonging in the workplace.

Aug. 22, 2024

Women's Equality Day Spotlight: Margaret Ross

In honor of Women’s Equality Day, Defense Logistics Agency Distribution is spotlighting Margaret Ross, the director of Acquisition Operations.

Aug. 22, 2019

Women’s Equality Day panelists share experiences as police officers, firefighters

The McNamara Headquarters Complex tenant organizations hosted four public service officials who shared unique perspectives during the Women’s Equality Day observance, August 21.

Sept. 18, 2018

Women’s Equality Day observed across the DLA Distribution Yokosuka, Japan

DLA Distribution Yokosuka, Japan celebrated Women's Equality Day by bringing display information and educational material to each of the buildings across the Yokosuka facilities. Each directorate and branch displayed educational posters, in both English and Japanese, and had handouts and bookmarks available at each location for individuals to take with them from August 13 to 26.

Aug. 27, 2018

Suffragist actress helps employees celebrate Women’s Equality Day

DLA Troop Support employees celebrated Women's Equality Day and women's right to vote with a historical reenactment about the life of women's suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt.

Aug. 24, 2018

Distribution honors 98th annual Women’s Equality Day

The women’s suffrage movement began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Convened by suffragist leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, the committee published a “Declaration of Sentiments.” The declaration outlined key social, civil and political demands for women, helping the cause of women’s suffrage gain national prominence. Nearly 72 years later, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was passed Aug. 26, 1920, granting women throughout the United States the right to vote.

Aug. 23, 2018

Maintaining a balance: agencies celebrate Women’s Equality Day

The Defense Technical Information Center, along with other McNamara Headquarters Complex tenant organizations, hosted a panel discussion in commemoration of Women’s Equality Day, Aug. 22 in the HQC’s Kabeiseman Center.

Aug. 15, 2018

Loud and Clear

Growing up a deaf woman in a hearing society is not without its challenges, but Patricia “Trix” Bruce has risen to those challenges and overcome them with aplomb. She has since made it her mission to help educate the hearing community and deaf interpreters about the most productive and rewarding ways to communicate and engage with deaf people.

Aug. 23, 2017

DLA celebrates women’s equality day program with historical reflections

DLA Land and Maritime associates were treated to a historical flashback Aug. 16 as part of the Women’s Equality Day program celebrated in the Building 20 auditorium. The program included a three-scene production with historical references to women’s equal rights initiatives dating back to the mid-1800s.