
DLA News Archive

Tag: Defense Supply Center Richmond Virginia

Feb. 7, 2019

Honoring Black History Month: African-American slave cemetery on grounds of DSCR

As you drive or walk around Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, it’s easy to overlook a landmark site across the street from the Bettye Ackerman-Cobb Child Development Center. Inside a small, fenced in patch of earth are the remains of six African-Americans, three women and three men. They are believed to have been slaves.

Feb. 4, 2019

‘The American dream is real’: Once a desperate refugee, now a US Army general

Stars and Stripes reporter features Brig. Gen. Lapthe Flora inspirational journey from refugee to US Army General.

Jan. 28, 2019

Marquee your words

Last fall, two brand new state-of-the-art marquees on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, displayed their first messages in vivid color. The installation of these chromatic communication tools are the culmination of a nearly three-year journey, which involved the efforts of several hard-working individuals.

Jan. 7, 2019

Defense Masters provides tools to improve speaking and leadership skills

One day the boss walks up to you and says he needs you to brief the corporate board … in an hour. Are you going to get sick to your stomach or embrace the opportunity?

Dec. 28, 2018

DLA hosts two-day event aimed at continuous process improvements

A Collaborative Planning Summit was held in the Lotts Center on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 11 - 12.

Dec. 14, 2018

Angels among us donate to children in need

Mother Teresa once said, “If you cannot feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” At Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, generous employees give as much as they can by participating in the annual Angel Tree program.

Oct. 29, 2018

DSCR employees attend a Safety Stand Down Oct. 23

Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, employees attended a Safety Stand Down Oct. 23.

Oct. 17, 2018

Students graduate from PACE Program Oct. 10

Friends, family and co-workers gathered Oct. 10 in the Frank B. Lotts Conference Center on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, to celebrate the graduation of approximately 100 students from the Defense Logistics Agency Pathways to Career Excellence Program.

Oct. 16, 2018

DSCR recognizes annual Fire Prevention Week

Defense Supply Center, Richmond, Virginia recognized National Fire Prevention Week with a huge kick-off in support of this year’s theme “Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware Fire can happen anywhere,” on Oct. 9.

Oct. 10, 2018

Retirees visit new operations center on DSCR

A line in the book “You Can't Go Home Again,” written by Thomas Wolfe states “Some things will never change. Some things will always be the same.”