
DLA News Archive

Tag: Security L&M

June 24, 2019

DLA police officer assists with accident on way to work

Defense Logistics Agency Police Officer Watkins assisted with an accident on his way to work June 15.

June 12, 2019

DSCC ensures safety through continued assessments

Functional area subject matter experts from the Defense Supply Center Columbus Installation Management along with Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center personnel conducted a local vulnerability assessment of the installation June 4-6.

May 16, 2019

Police Week Spotlight: Gregory Adams

DLA Police Officer Gregory Adams started at DSCC six months ago.

May 14, 2019

Police Week Spotlight: Sara Hedrick

DLA Police Officer Sara Hedrick spent seven years as a military police officer before joining the DSCC team five months ago.

May 12, 2019

Police Week Spotlight: Kevin Novak

Meet DLA Police Sergeant Kevin Novak. Novak has been an officer for 20 years and at DSCC for 10 of those years.

May 10, 2019

DLA Land and Maritime Police Week Spotlight

National Police Week takes place May 12 - 18 in 2019. As part of Police Week observances, DLA Land and Maritime will spotlight officers who selflessly secure and protect DSCC and its people every day.

Oct. 8, 2018

DSCC associate saves life on commute home

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s all about being in the right place at the right time,” but these words couldn’t be truer for Daniel McCombs. It was dark outside and he was focused on ensuring the safety of the witnesses. This is when he noticed the car on flames and heard someone was still inside, he immediately went into response mode – trying to figure out how to save the driver.

June 8, 2018

The pressure is on during hose testing at DSCC

Firefighter and EMT Dustin Buckley rolls out water hoses during routine pressure testing June 4 at DSCC. Each year, all hoses and attachments are tested to ensure they meet federal codes and guidelines.

May 20, 2018

DSCC EMS Week - A Look at EMTs

The Defense Supply Center Columbus highlights a few Emergency Medical Technicians and paramedics during the 2018 National EMS Week as a way to thank the DSCC EMS team for answering the call and providing quality care to associates and local community members in their time of need.

May 20, 2018

National EMS Week 2018 celebrated at DSCC

This year's theme: "EMS Strong: Stronger Together" is a reminder that Emergency Medical Technicians and paramedics remain committed to the tough work that requires passion, purpose and heart to carry out well every day, often in difficult circumstances. This year, each day has a unique theme highlighting EMS Strong: Stronger Together.