
DLA News Archive

Tag: Culture DS

Jan. 18, 2024

Euro team rallies to support colleague’s orchard loss

When a DLA employee-owned generational Sicilian farm was destroyed by wildfire, the DLA Disposition Services Europe and Africa region staff came together to help replace lost olive trees.

Aug. 9, 2023

Culture Action Team meets in Battle Creek

DLA Disposition Services' Culture Action Team representatives traveled to Battle Creek, Michigan, in preparation for the upcoming DLA Culture Climate Survey.

June 21, 2023

“Lifeless” breakroom redone with regional Italian flair

Massimo’s Bistro, named for a longtime local national agency employee at the Aviano site, opened to critical acclaim in May.

Jan. 10, 2023

Culture Spotlight: Jessica Waynick

Meet DLA Disposition Services' Culture Champion Jessica Waynick. Jessica is a program analyst for the HQ Field Operations Branch.

Oct. 28, 2022

Leaders conclude Battle Creek summit

Attendees encouraged to build on relationships made during annual get-together.

Oct. 28, 2022

Culture innovations a main focus at leadership summit

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services leaders and culture representatives discussed culture innovations at the annual Strategic Leadership Summit Oct. 24-28. This is the first time culture representatives attended the summit in person at the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center.

Jan. 8, 2021

Fitness Center expands virtual options; receives new equipment

The new year is welcomed around the world with people setting resolutions to improve their lives and at the top of the list for many is to exercise more or lose weight. This year is no different. In coming weeks, the center will kick off its annual eight-week Body Transformation Series. Additionally, those looking for further assistance on their fitness journey will be able to schedule virtual appointments with trainers to help them work on their personal goals.

Battle Creek, Mich. Nov. 16, 2020

Vets resource event held virtually

The Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center recently held a virtual veteran’s resource fair in observance of Veterans Day. With most workers from the Battle Creek, Michigan, landmark working from home, this year’s Veterans Day program was conducted online Nov. 10.

Battle Creek, Michigan Nov. 12, 2020

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services sets new standards with virtual safety summit

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services held a virtual Material Handling Equipment Safety Summit in November. Due to travel restrictions put in place by the Defense Department to help combat the pandemic, the annual material handling event was held online for the first time.

Oct. 11, 2019

DLA Disposition Services contracting officer receives commission

In early 2019, Jacob Curtiss, a contracting officer who began his career with Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services last October, started his pursuit of the Navy Reserve Direct Commission Officer program for a chance to commission as a Supply Corps Officer.