
DLA News Archive

Tag: Robotics

Nov. 21, 2024

DLA Finance pursues artificial intelligence to pass financial audit

DLA's deputy chief financial officer is exploring the power of artificial intelligence to accelerate the agency’s path to a clean financial audit.

July 27, 2023

How does the Department of Defense employ a salad robot?

Back in December of 2021, the Monarch dining facility at Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, California, was the first in the Department of Defense to acquire “Alfred, the salad robot.”

Dec. 26, 2021

Monarch DFAC leads the way in automating food preparation

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the Travis Air Force Base website —Travis Air Force Base’s Monarch dining facility is the first in the DOD to acquire “Alfred," an automated food preparation robot designed to improve production and quality of operations, reduce food waste and lower risks of viral and microbial transmissions.

Oct. 28, 2021

DOD Metrics-Based Goals Will Strengthen Organic Industrial Base, Official Says

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the Defense Department website — The Defense Department has a plan to modernize its organic industrial base, which includes things like maintenance depots, shipyards, fleet readiness centers, air logistics centers and manufacturing arsenals, a DOD official said.

Oct. 31, 2018

U.S. Army Reserve engineers experiment with remote-controlled bulldozer

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the U.S. Army Reserve website — For years the heavy equipment industry has been using remote control technology to operate massive pieces of equipment from a safe location. This allows the machines to be operated in very dangerous environments without putting any lives in unnecessary risks.

Aug. 6, 2018

DLA Distribution hosts Initial Robotics and Automation Collaboration Meeting between DLA HQ Research and Development, DLA Distribution, industry and academia counterparts

DLA Distribution held a first of its kind collaborative meeting between Distribution, DLA Headquarters Research and Development, and academia partners to discuss ideas and potential opportunities in support of DLA Distribution’s Modernization Program.

Feb. 6, 2018

AFRL helps enable laser paint removal technology

Logistics In Action: Article originally appeared on the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base website — AFRL Materials Integrity engineers recently played a key role in enabling the safer and more efficient removal of paint from F-16 aircraft through the newly-adopted Robotic Laser Coating Removal System.