
DLA News Archive

Tag: ID

Feb. 14, 2017

Deadline for ‘Real ID’-compliant driver’s license extended to June for some states

If you have family members whose only ID is issued by one of an expanded list of non-compliant states or territories, they will not be able to use that ID for unescorted access to Department of Defense or other federal facilities after June 6, following an extension of the deadline by the Department of Homeland Security.

Oct. 31, 2016

Will your family’s ID cards still be G2G Jan. 30? Not if issued by certain states

On Jan. 30, 2017, any license or ID card from a state or territory that doesn’t comply with the Real ID Act (and hasn’t been given an extension) won’t be accepted for access to any federal facility. And on Jan. 22, 2018, any license used to board a U.S. flight must be from a jurisdiction that complies with the Act or has an extension from DHS.