Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Returning from Overseas
PCS travel orders are designed to provide for travel and transportation expenses of an employee and immediate family members, movement and storage of household goods and personal effects, and certain other allowances incidental to movement overseas.
How to Request PCS Orders:
Please contact your servicing DLA Human Resources office to request Permanent Change of Station orders.
What to Do After You Receive Your PCS Orders:
When traveling by air, the local SATO/CTO travel office must be used. Locate your nearest travel office.
Airline tickets should be purchased using the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)-(IBA). The Contract City Pair account must be utilized for employee and any dependents.
Click here for instruction on HHG shipments. The shipment of HHG is automated, and registering Here is required.
Click here to determine the closest transportation office .Go to the nearest transportation office for assistance in shipping your household goods.
How and Where to File Claims for Reimbursement:
Complete form DD 1351-2 Travel Voucher (PDF).
Upload form to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Voucher Direct , or send civilian relocation vouchers to DFAS Rome via:
When filing your claim, provide a copy of PCS travel orders, all airline tickets, taxi fare receipts, passport fees, and immunization fees with your travel voucher. Reimbursements are subject to federal, state, and local taxes.
For tutorials see our YouTube Playlist .
How Long Will It Take to Receive Reimbursement:
Processing of your claim for reimbursement will take up to two weeks.
What Should Not Be Claimed for Reimbursement Through PCS:
Claims for hotel, meals, and laundry expenses incurred in the United States prior to reporting overseas will be covered under the Foreign Transfer Allowance. For information on claiming these expenses, please see the Foreign Transfer Allowance section of this website.