
DLA News Archive

Tag: Environment L&M

July 9, 2024

Butterfly counts underway at DSCC prairie

On a rainy, windswept early summer day, about half a dozen volunteers descended on the three-acre prairie habitat on the north side of Defense Supply Center Columbus to participate in the first butterfly count of the season. 

July 22, 2021

DSCC plants saplings at MWR Sports Park

The Defense Supply Center Columbus Installation Management Team planted 50 tree saplings at the DSCC MWR Sports Park this summer. The saplings were donated through an Urban Tree Project partnership in consult with the City of Columbus and the Urban Tree Master Plan Project to identify sites for potential tree plantings and expand the city’s existing tree canopy.

July 8, 2019

Celebrating the Comeback of the Burning River, 1969-2019

To many, the Cuyahoga River fire on June 22, 1969 represents a turning point for environmental regulation. This river caught the attention of a nation due to excessive water pollution. Certainly not the worst, it was thrust to the forefront as a symbol of environmental degradation. With the formation of the U.S. EPA in 1970 and passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, changes were in store for all waterways in the United States. In addition to the Clean Water Act, the Cuyahoga River was one of 43 Areas of Concern identified by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. These programs and regulations were focused on improving the lives of those both in and near the water. Now 50 years later, how is this river doing in its recovery “fueled” by local, state and federal partners?

April 26, 2019

Shred Day – Protect your identity…and the planet

DSCC will host a free Shred Day event May 15 for installation associates from 7 - 10:30 a.m. The event offers easy drive-up and drop-off services for bulk document shredding in the parking lot of Building 330, located west of the MWR tennis courts near the Yearling Road Gate.

April 10, 2019

DSCC associates turn trash into treasures

DLA MWR and Environmental Division hosted first Eco Promises workshop focused on teaching associates how to upcycle household items.

Feb. 7, 2019

Get to know DSCC Environmental Division

Environmental DivisionMission StatementThe Environmental Division acts as the principal advisor and assistant to the Site Director and Commander on developing and managing programs to assure environmental quality, and to protect the health of employees and others on DLA-managed facilities. VisionA clean, healthy, and well-protected environment that

April 20, 2018

Associates recycle 7 tons during Shred Day event

During the 2018 Shred Day event hosted by Installation Operations Environmental Division, DSCC associates recycled seven tons of paper.

April 1, 2018

Go Green at DSCC

The Defense Supply Center Columbus Environmental Office is on a mission – a mission to make a difference not only for the workforce today, but for generations to come. Environmental initiatives at DSCC span from community projects and recycling to land use and air quality and everything in between.