
DLA News Archive

Tag: HQ DS

April 21, 2023

Fraud Prevention and Deterrence

An effective fraud awareness program and training are key. Memorandums, leadership training, organization-wide emails, and formal training programs are highly effective methods for preventing fraud. All levels of the organization should participate in efforts to mitigate the likelihood of fraud.

March 10, 2023

Leadership Spotlight: Charles Rice

Meet the incoming People and Culture Division Chief Charles Rice.

Feb. 28, 2023

Disposition Services Contracting Officer receives DLA award

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Contracting Officer Annette Graham was presented with the Excellence in Acquisition award during DLA’s 55th Annual Employee Recognition Awards Program Jan. 26 at its Fort Belvoir, Virginia, headquarters.

Jan. 13, 2023

HDIFC receives VPP Star recertification

Recently, the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center in Battle Creek, Michigan, received the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Voluntary Protection Program Star recertification, a title that the building has held since 2013.

Dec. 28, 2022

Another strong year for Disposition Services Command Support team

The Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services command team has completed another year of supporting the organization’s directorates and strong partnerships. The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Equal Employment Opportunity and Public Affairs offices provide their expertise to the workforce to enhance the work environment by offering crucial training and support, as well as creating a voice for the agency through strategic communication efforts.

Sept. 7, 2022

DLA Disposition Services welcomes OSHA inspectors for VPP recertification

Voluntary Protection Program is an Occupational Safety and Health Administration program that recognizes employees and managers who have adopted effective safety and health management systems maintaining injury rates below the national average. Since 2013, DLA Disposition Services has been certified in the Star Program category. Other program categories include Merit and Demonstration.

Sept. 1, 2022

DLA Disposition Services LESO hosts a successful in-person conference

DLA Disposition Services Law Enforcement Support Office hosted a successful in-person conference in Battle Creek, Michigan, a first since the pandemic.

Aug. 11, 2022

PaCE Spotlight: Hilary Casari

Hillary Casari is currently the operations inventory branch chief for Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services. She participated in the Intern program before it was renamed as the Pathways to Career Excellence Program between the years of 2007 and 2009. She also was the PaCE Program manager for two years.

July 27, 2022

Fraud: Trends to look for

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Office of Internal Review assists management with anti-fraud prevention and detection by conducting reviews and reporting suspected fraud to the DLA Office of Inspector General.

June 19, 2022

PaCE Spotlight: Sabrina Young

The Pathways to Career Excellence Program for DLA Disposition Services is a two-year program that takes PaCERs through all of Disposition Services and its processes to learn as much as possible about the directorate. The first year takes place at DLA Disposition Services Headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan, and the second year either takes place in Battle Creek for Contracting PaCERs or at an assigned field site for Property Disposal PaCERs. PaCERs begin as general schedule 7s, move to GS-9s at the end of their first year, and graduate the program as GS-11s. There are multiple pathways to becoming a PaCER, including being hired internally, as a recent graduate, or from military service.