
DLA News Archive

Tag: Indo-Pacific DS

Oct. 11, 2021

Japan property disposal saves Navy $

Strong connections to DLA recently helped warfighters unload aging watch towers and mobile small arms ranges that had rusted after years of exposure to salty sea air.

Oct. 7, 2021

Advance coordination smooths regional DODEA furniture swaps

Disposition offices recently helped DOD schoolhouses in Europe and Asia prepare for fall with assistance on large furniture disposal projects.

July 7, 2021

Okinawa team helps restore joint range

The removal of 20,000 lbs. of inert munitions and range residue will help trainers provide a safer, more realistic place to prepare for combat.

June 25, 2021

DLA Disposition Services supports USNS Tippecanoe during COREX in Guam

The replenishment oiler brought turn-in items to a temporary field exercise site.