
DLA News Archive

Tag: change of command

July 27, 2023

Agpalza assumes command of DLA CENTCOM & SOCOM

Army Col. Michelle Agpalza accepted the reins of DLA CENTCOM & SOCOM from Army Col. Gerald Acosta in a change of command ceremony July 27 at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.

July 5, 2023

DLA Aviation at Ogden welcomes new leader during change of command ceremony

Air Force Col. Jason Okumura relinquished command of Defense Logistics Agency Aviation at Ogden to Air Force Col. Ernest “Nest” Cage during a change of command ceremony June 30 held on Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah.

June 29, 2023

Leadership changes hands at DLA Distribution Puget Sound, Washington

Navy Cmdr. Marcus M. Craig took command of Defense Logistics Agency Puget Sound, Washington, from outgoing Navy Cmdr. Timothy J. Calvo, during a change of command ceremony June 29. DLA Distribution Commander, Navy Rear Adm. Grafton D. Chase, officiated the ceremony.

June 28, 2023

DLA Distribution Corpus Christi welcomes new commander Owens and bids farewell as Autrey retires

Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Corpus Christi, Texas, welcomed Army Lt. Col. Timothy J. Owens and bid a fond farewell to Army Lt. Col. Cody M. Autrey during a change of command and retirement ceremony June 27.

June 21, 2023

DLA Distribution Red River, Texas, command changes hands

Army Lt. Col. Joseph J. Lee took command of Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Red River, Texas, from outgoing commander Army Lt. Col. Sonia I. Huertas during a change of command ceremony June 14. DLA Distribution Commander, Navy Rear Adm. Grafton D. Chase, Jr., officiated the ceremony.

July 22, 2022

Leadership transfers at Defense Department’s largest distribution center

Command leadership transferred at Defense Logistics Agency Distribution, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, when outgoing commander, Army Col. Trent Conner, relinquished command to incoming commander, Army Col. Samuel “Sam” Miller during a change of command ceremony July 22.

July 18, 2022

Army aviator tapped to lead DLA Land and Maritime

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Gail Atkins will succeed U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Kristen Fabry July 22 as commander of the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime and Defense Supply Center Columbus.

July 7, 2022

DLA Distribution Anniston welcomes new commander

Army Lt. Col. Toby Williford assumed command of Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Anniston, Alabama, from Army Lt. Col. Ayo AI. Oladipofaniyi during a change of command ceremony July 7.

July 7, 2022

New commander takes over at DLA Aviation at Ogden

Air Force Col. Jason Okumura became the commander of Defense Logistics Agency Aviation at Ogden, Utah during a change of command ceremony held on Hill Air Force Base, Utah, June 28. The ceremony was officiated by former DLA Aviation commander Air Force Brig. Gen. David Sanford, who was selected for promotion to Maj. Gen.

July 6, 2022

A change of leadership for DLA Distribution Europe

Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Europe command leadership transferred as Army Lt. Col. Katie Dlugosz relinquished command to Army Lt. Col. Kimberly Rembert in a change of command ceremony held July 6.