
DLA News Archive

Tag: Whole of Government Support

Aug. 30, 2018

Team San Joaquin provides support in response to Hurricane Lane

The dedicated men and women of Bulk and Transportation Division at DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, stepped up to the plate and fulfilled the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s request for bottled water in support of Hurricane Lane affecting the Hawaiian Islands this past Saturday, Aug. 25.

Feb. 16, 2018

Spreading the Word

Selling the benefits of doing business with Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Marc McConahy reached out to federal and non-Department of Defense customers at the General Services Administration’s FedFleet 2018 conference Feb. 1.

Dec. 5, 2017

Commander introduces 2018 Troop Support Campaign Plan

The DLA mission will always put the warfighter first, Army Brig. Gen. Mark Simerly said while reviewing the agency’s new strategic plan during a town hall in Philadelphia Nov. 30. He also introduced the 2018 DLA Troop Support Campaign Plan.

April 4, 2017

DLA division uses parachutes, partnership to support humanitarian aid

DLA expanded its humanitarian efforts by teaming with agencies such as NORTHCOM and the USAID to help non-government organizations provide aid to those in need. DLA’s Whole of Government Division recently helped supply the World Food Programme by providing containers and parachutes in order to deliver food and supplies to Syrian refugees.