
DLA News Archive

Tag: Resiliency L&M

May 22, 2020

Employee Assistance Program Blog: Refocus and stay productive to break cycle of stress

Hello Land and Maritime! We are at the two-month point of the stay-at-home situation. While many of us have gotten used to the situation and are fairly OK with it, there are stresses associated with staying at home. The following are some things to be aware of to help.

May 21, 2020

Feeling overwhelmed? Employee Assistance Program encourages families to recognize signs, seek help

In this week’s blog, DLA Land and Maritime’s Employee Assistance Program Manager Drew Henderson offers recommendation for identifying and reducing stress in yourself and those around you as well as ways to offer support to others.

May 13, 2020

New Normal?

COVID-19! Stay at Home orders! Virtual Learning! These are difficult times as we navigate isolation and try to keep up with our work. Whether we are Senior Executive Service, Military or Defense Logistics Agency General Schedule-level employees, we face uncertainty and uncharted territory. Many of us have already teleworked and become familiar with the hurdles of our home network or secure sites: lagging, locking, or just molasses-slow load times. It is frustrating and annoying. Knowing all this, we must accept it and adapt to overcome. This is especially true with video conferencing!

May 1, 2020

Fitness Center offers free online options for staying in shape during social distancing

The Defense Federal Community may no longer be able to attend in-person fitness classes at the Defense Supply Center Columbus Fitness Center but they still have a variety of virtual options for staying in shape to choose from thanks to the center’s fitness experts. When fitness centers across Ohio closed in late March to comply with the coronavirus pandemic’s social distancing requirements, the installation’s Fitness Center quickly responded by adding free virtual workout options, On-Demand videos and Workout of the Day plans.

April 27, 2020

Commentary: Comforting items, retreat spaces can be therapeutic in difficult times

In this week’s blog, DLA Land and Maritime’s Employee Assistance Program Manager Drew Henderson offers recommendation for maintaining good mental health as a family.

April 10, 2020

Employee Assistance Program Blog: Routines, self-care become more important than ever

In this week’s blog from DLA Land and Maritime’s Employee Assistance Program Manager Drew Henderson, he tackles the importance of keeping routines and finding time for self-care in this age of social distancing.

April 2, 2020

Positive practices emphasized during Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and serves as an annual observation to raise awareness of child abuse and prevention. The statistics about child abuse are stark – in 2018, approximately 678,000 children in the U.S. were found to be victims of child abuse or neglect.

March 27, 2020

Commentary: Employee Assistance Program is here to help

These are strange times we find ourselves in. As the world grapples with coronavirus, it’s an especially stressful time for all and many are asking questions about what’s next.

March 3, 2020

‘You are not alone:’ Meditation room provides respite

“To feel so alone in a place as big as this.” The anonymous words scribbled in green marker got Helen Brooks’ attention. They were left on a dry erase board in the Interfaith Meditation Room at the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s headquarters where Brooks is a resolution specialist.

Nov. 21, 2019

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime People and Culture Director retirement announced

A Retirement Ceremony in honor of Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime People and Culture Director, Robert L. Boggs Ph.D, is being held in the Building 20 Auditorium Dec. 11 at 10 a.m.