
Tactical Vehicles

High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) & Other Tactical Vehicles

LESO customers have the ability to request tactical vehicles via the internet using the RTD Web.  The RTD Web allows customers to screen, request, and receive property from various DLA Disposition Services Sites. Once ordered, arrangements for pick-up or delivery must be made within 14 days.  

All controlled (DEMIL required) tactical vehicles received through the 1033 program will not receive an SF 97 title transfer. SF 97 title transfers are not authorized for controlled property. If you receive a DEMIL required tactical vehicle that you need to register, your agency may request a DLA Form 1928 "Certificate To Register Tactical Vehicles.“  Contact your State Coordinator to request the DLA Form 1928.

Armored Vehicles

State level law enforcement agencies who would like to request an Armored Vehicle, must fill out the Armored Vehicle Request, Justification Template and the MRAP Demil Prep memo (only if requesting an MRAP) and submit it to the LESO via their State Coordinator’s Office. Federal law enforcement agencies must submit the documents directly to the LESO Tactical Vehicle Lead.
All documents can be found by navigating to the Forms page

As Armored Vehicles become available, the LESO Tactical Vehicle Lead will issue them based on:
  • The amount of Armored Vehicles available to the LESO program
  • The date the request was received by LESO
  • High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
  • Geographic responsibility
  • Fair and equitable distribution