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DLA Packaging:

Vendor Help

Vendors who needs assistance understanding and following their packaging contractual requirements can submit a Post Award Request (PAR) in DLA's Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) for help.

DLA Packaging

It is DLA Policy that materiel will be procured, received, stored, and shipped with adequate, continuous protection at the lowest overall cost.

Packaging requirements are developed and applied to support the needs of the ultimate consignee. Materiel will be procured, fully packaged in a ready-for-issue state. State-of-the-art materials, processes, and equipment will be used to the maximum extent possible. Vendors are encouraged to use state-of-the-art materials, processes, and equipment in accordance with contract requirements. 


Is the card that indicates that an article is a process. Has three different types of flow charts on a blue background transitioning from a dark blue at the top to a light blue on the bottom.
Vendor Preservation, Packaging, Packing, and Marking Process

DLA Packaging and Marking Guide 2021 (PDF) 

DLA Supply Chain Alliance Packaging Guide 2024 (PDF)

Guides provide Vendors with the basics of understanding DLA packaging requirements. Guides will be updated periodically based on input from the packaging field and feedback from vendors.

Packaging FAQs 
Frequently Asked Questions from Vendors concerning Packaging topics.

Military Standards and Specifications (Quick Search)  
Quick Search is a public website that lets users search for defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, commercial item descriptions, data item descriptions, MS detail drawings, Qualified Product Lists (QPLs), and related technical documents prepared in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP)

Hazardous Material Management System-Performance Oriented Packaging (HMMS-POP) Access Request Instructions


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Resources and Links

Packaging Documents

Document Name Description Document Type
DLA Packaging and Marking Guide 2021 The DLA packaging and marking guide was created to provide vendors with the basics of understanding DLA packaging requirements.  This guide will be updated periodically based on input from the packaging field and feedback from vendors. PowerPoint
Palletization No. MD00100452 Revision C Dated 09/2016 This document covers the requirements for palletization of EBS items of supply for handling, shipment, and storage. Dated 09/2016 PDF
DLA DWG 03204, Classification of Defects of Pallets In lieu of classification of defects identified in ASME MH1b-2000, Part 3, MANDATORY APPENDIX A3--B, Description of Growth•·Related Defects Which Affect Um Quality of Pallet Components, the following defect classifications will be used for the inspection of wood components, nails, and assembled pallets specified in ASME MH1b--2000, Part 9, Wood Pallets for Military Use PDF
MMS No. 1D This document provides the minimum marking requirements for contractor-originated shipments of medical materiel, and is applicable to both military and commercial packaging. PDF


Container, Thermal, Shipping, for Medical Material Requiring Controlled Temperature Ranges PDF
Temperature Monitoring Device Spec Sheet 1 DLA Troop Support Requirements for Temperature Monitoring Devices PDF

Packaging Applications

Please use the below DLA & Non-DLA systems for any packaging related access or inquires.

Image Title Description
This is a clickable image for the DLA Internet Bid Board System or DIBBS Vendor Inquiries on Contractual Requirements (DIBBS) The primary contact for all contractors/vendors is the contracting officer.  Vendors should submit a Post Award Request (PAR) for any question (packaging related or other) using the Post Award Request (PAR) link on DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS).  
This is a clickable image for the Quick Search Assist System Military Standards and Specifications (Quick Search) Quick Search is a public website that lets users search for defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, commercial item descriptions, data item descriptions, MS detail drawings, Qualified Product Lists (QPLs), and related technical documents prepared in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP).
This is a clickable image for the Enterprise Business System Portal Enterprise Business System Portal (DLA Users) The DLA EBS portal provides industry and military service personnel with centralized access to DLA business services. 
This is a clickable image for the Enterprise External Business Portal Enterprise External Business Portal (Non-DLA Users)

The DLA EEBP portal provides industry and military service personnel with centralized access to DLA business services.

This is a clickable image for the American Society for Testing Materials or ASTM ASTM International

Access to commercial standards requires purchase of the standards from the American Society for Testing Materials. ASTM D3951 is the “Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging."  It covers the requirements for the commercial preservation, packaging, packing (exterior container), and marking for supplies and equipment. It provides for multiple handling and shipments by any mode of transport, and storage periods of a minimum of one year in enclosed facilities without damage to the product.

This is a clickable image for the Account Management and Provisioning System or AMPS Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS) The Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS) can set up your access to computer application resources or provide information to a provisioner for manual setup. Access is based on the approval of your request for one or more application roles. Application users, both internal (civilians, military, and contractors) and external (vendors, public), can have AMPS accounts that enable them to submit requests for these roles. When a role is approved, the user has access to the application resource.
This is a clickable image for the Thomasnet Thomasnet   Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the Packaging Code Lookup Packaging Code Lookup   Non-DLA Navy Managed Website
This is a clickable image for the Navy P700 Common Naval Packaging Search or CNP Search Navy P700 Common Naval Packaging (CNP) Search   Non-DLA Navy Managed Website, CAC and/or User I.D./Password Required
This is a clickable image for the Air Force Special Packaging Instructions Retrieval and Exchange System or SPIRES Air Force (AF) Special Packaging Instructions Retrieval & Exchange System (SPIRES)   Non-DLA AF Managed Website, CAC and/or User I.D./Password Required
This is a clickable image for the American National Standards Institute or ANSI American National Standards Institute (ANSI)   Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the Institute of Packaging Professionals or IoPP Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP)    Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the International Safe Transport Association or ISTA International Safe Transport Association (ISTA)   Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the National Institute of Packaging, Handline and Logistics Engineers or NIPHLE National Institute of Packaging, Handline, and Logistics Engineers (NIPHLE)   Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the DoD Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation DoD Hazardous Materials Packaging & Transportation   Non-DLA Website
This is a clickable image for the Army Sustainment Command Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center or PSCC Army Sustainment Command Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center (PSCC)   Non-DLA Website

Marking Examples on Containers

Exterior, Intermediate, and Unit Pack Marking Example, select picture link to go to full picture



The following example illustrates unit pack, intermediate container, and exterior container identification markings, including 2D(PDF) bar code markings.

View a full-size version of the packaging example graphic.

IUID (Item Unique Identification) is required when stated in the item description and DFARS 252.211-7003 is incorporated.


The following is information concerning DLA Palletization requirements. RP001, found on the Technical and Quality Master List of Requirements, provide the palletization requirements for current contracts.  Older contracts may reference MD00100452 Revision C.

Palletization No. MD00100452 Revision C Dated 09/2016 (PDF)

ANSI/MHIA MH1 may be obtained on MHI Publications Page.  

Shipments packaged in accordance with ASTM D3951 and/or MIL-STD-2073-1 shall be palletized in accordance with MIL-STD-147

Level A packing, pallets shall utilize ANSI/MHIA-MH1, Part No. MH1/9-05SW4048 pallet. The total weight of the unitized load shall not exceed 3000 lbs. evenly distributed.  

Level B packing, pallets shall utilize ANSI/MHIA-MH1, Part No. MH1/9-02SW4048 pallet for unit loads less than 1500 lbs. evenly distributed. For unit loads greater than 1500 lbs. but less than 3000 lbs. evenly distributed, ANSI/MHIA-MH1, Part No. MH1/9-05SW4048 pallet shall be utilized.

DLA DWG 03204, Classification of Defects of Pallets (PDF)

Documents should be accessible.  If you are in need of a document on this page that doesn’t meet accessibility standards, e-mail us at to obtain an updated version. 

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Medical Items

(DLA Troop Support Managed Materiel)

MMS No.1D  (PDF)
Medical Marking Standard No. 1C
This document provides the minimum marking requirements for contractor-originated shipments of medical materiel, and is applicable to both military and commercial packaging.

AA0059195G (PDF)
Container, Thermal, Shipping, for Medical Material Requiring Controlled Temperature Ranges

DLAR 4145.21  (PDF)   (CAC or User I.D./Password Required)
Preparation of Medical Temperature-Sensitive Products Requiring Freeze or Refrigerated (Chill) Environments for Shipment.

Temperature Monitoring Device Spec Sheet 1 (PDF)
DLA Troop Support Requirements for Temperature Monitoring Devices

Documents should be accessible.  If you are in need of a document on this page that doesn’t meet accessibility standards, e-mail: to obtain an updated version.

DLA Packaging Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Labels

All unit packs, intermediate and exterior containers of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) susceptible devices (or other electronic items that are alone or are part of assemblies) that are susceptible to damage from ESD shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129, paragraphs,, and Figure 37. Listed below are the different types of ESD labels required:

There are two different types of ESD labels for specific types of containers.

  1. Unit Pack Symbol/Label:   All unit packs shall be marked with the ESD susceptible device attention label prescribed by ASTM D 5445. The label shall include the ESD susceptible device symbol (triangle and reaching hand), the words "ATTENTION STATIC SUSCEPTIBLE DEVICES " and the statement "HANDLE ONLY AT STATIC SAFE WORK STATIONS. " The symbol and lettering on the label shall be marked in black on a yellow background. Unit packs that are not overpacked and are used as exterior containers shall be marked with the unit pack label.
  2. Intermediate and Exterior Container Label:   Intermediate and exterior containers shall be marked with the ESD susceptible devices attention label. The ESD susceptible devices symbol and the words "ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SUSCEPTIBLE DEVICES " shall be marked in black on a yellow background. One 2-inch by 2-inch label shall be placed on the identification-marked side of an intermediate container.

    Two 2-inch by 2-inch labels shall be placed on each exterior container that exceeds one-half cubic foot. One label shall be placed on the identification-marked side (or surface), and one label shall be placed on the opposite side (or surface).

    If the label is temporarily unavailable, intermediate and and exterior containers shall be marked with ESD susceptible devices symbol and the information printed on the label in figure 11. The minimum size of the symbol shall be five-eighths of an inch measured vertically at the base of the triangle. When preprinted labels are not used, the symbol shall be printed in black or the same color as the identification markings, if other than black.

Commercial Packaging

DLA Packaging Approved Commercial Packaging
Approved commercial packaging permits use of non-specification materials. ASTM D3951, Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging, provides standard commercial guidelines and will be utilized when specified by the contract/purchase order.

Military vs Commercial Packaging
Details on Military and Commercials packaging.

ASTM D3951 Overview
Describes requirements for reservation, packaging, packing, and marking furnished by the suppliers. 

How to Identify Adequate Commercial Packaging
Describes how to identify adequate commercial packaging.  

How to Identify Inadequate Commercial Packaging
Describes how to identify inadequate commercial packaging by showing examples.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Packaging Approved Commercial Packaging

Approved commercial packaging permits use of non-specification materials. ASTM D3951, Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging, provides standard commercial guidelines and will be utilized when specified by the contract/purchase order.

ASTM D3951 is the “Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging."  It covers the requirements for the commercial preservation, packaging, packing (exterior container), and marking for supplies and equipment. It provides for multiple handling and shipments by any mode of transport, and storage periods of a minimum of one year in enclosed facilities without damage to the product.

Access to commercial standards requires purchase of the standards from the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)  (Non-DLA Web Site).

Military Versus Commercial Packaging:

Military packaging requires the use of specification materials, interpretation of preservation/packing instructions, MIL–STD–129, Military Marking, and the preservation methods of MIL–STD–2073–1, Standard Practice for Military Packaging. Military packaging should be used for items expected to enter the military distribution system. The military distribution system is the process by which material, not intended for immediate use, is stored and/or moved within or between Defense Department facilities. It may also cover items intended for delivery-at-sea, items delivered during wartime, or items requiring reusable containers.

Commercial packaging permits use of non-specification materials. ASTM D3951, Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging, provides standard commercial guidelines. Application of preservation/packing techniques is at the discretion of the contractor or the activity. Items not going into stock, items intended for immediate use (e.g., Aircraft on the Ground (AOG)), items for Not Mission-Capable Supply (NMCS), items intended for depot operational consumption, small parcel shipments (Continental United States (CONUS), not-for-stock), and customer direct deliveries (CONUS) shall be packaged in accordance with standard commercial practice as defined in ASTM D3951.

ASTM D3951 Overview:

Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking furnished by the suppliers shall meet or exceed the following minimum requirements:

  • Cleanliness—Items shall be free of dirt and other contaminants which would contribute to deterioration of the item or which would require cleaning by the customer prior to use. Coatings and preservatives applied to the item for protection are not considered contaminants.
  • Preservation—Items susceptible to corrosion or deterioration shall be provided protection such as preservative coatings, barrier protection, volatile corrosion inhibitors, or desiccated unit packs.
  • Cushioning—Items requiring protection from physical and mechanical damage or which are fragile shall be protected by wrapping, cushioning, pack compartmentization, cartonizing, or other means to mitigate shock and vibration to prevent damage during handling and shipment.
  • Loose-fill Cushioning/Dunnage—Loose-fill material shall be prohibited for all DoD and/or General Services Administration (GSA) shipments and shipments to aerospace facilities.

A unit package must contain the contents with no damage to them, and with minimal damage to the unit pack during shipment and storage in the shipping container, and will allow subsequent handling.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the unit package quantity (QUP) shall be one each part, set, or assembly.

Unit packages and intermediate containers not meeting the requirements for a shipping container will be packed in shipping containers. The shipping container (including any necessary blocking, bracing, cushioning, or water resistance) will provide safe delivery to the destination. The shipping container will be capable of multiple handling and storage periods at a minimum of one year in enclosed facilities without damage to the product.

How to identify adequate commercial packaging:

  • Material must be free of dirt and other contaminants.
  • Material must be protected from corrosion.
  • Material must be protected from physical damage and mechanical malfunction.
  • The unit package must withstand normal shipment and storage without damage to the material and without major damage to the package for ONE year.
  • Loose fill is not acceptable cushioning.
  • MIL-STD-129 identification markings must be present and correct.

Binoculars in a bag

Examples of inadequate commercial packaging:

This item shown is in inadequate commercial packaging. It is not protected from physical damage or mechanical malfunction and contains no markings.

Had the binoculars been cushioned and placed in a box then marked in accordance with MIL–STD–129, it would have been adequately packaged and marked in accordance with ASTM D3951.

Binoculars plus plastic wrap plus box plus label equals ASTM D3951

Guidance Packaging Videos