
DLA News Archive

Tag: Small Business

Nov. 8, 2023

DLA mission, employees honor America’s veterans

Once a soldier, always a soldier. And for warfighters fed, clothed, fueled and equipped by DLA, the odds are increasingly good that while that support changes shape as a troop crosses into veteran status, it endures.

Aug. 29, 2023

DLA’s director of small business programs to co-lead federal council

DLA’s director of small business programs was unanimously selected to serve as vice chairman for a federal council that addresses issues affecting America’s small business sector.

Aug. 24, 2023

DLA to explore advanced technologies, small business innovation at R&D Industry Collider Day

The DLA R&D team will host Industry Collider Day Sept. 11 at the McNamara Headquarters Complex. This year’s theme is “Forging Tech-Forward Connections to Enable Proactive Global Logistics.”

Feb. 16, 2023

DLA named Agency of the Year for supporting nation’s small businesses

Recognition of the DLA's success partnering with American small businesses reached new heights Feb. 15 when it was named Agency of the Year at the sold-out National Small Business Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Oct. 31, 2022

DLA set to exceed small business goals for 10th year, advances equity in procurement with outreach

DLA is set to exceed its DOD-assigned target in small business contracting for the 10th consecutive year despite a shrinking defense industrial base.

Sept. 19, 2022

DLA seeks global supply chain solutions at R&D Industry Collider Day

The Defense Logistics Agency Research and Development team brought together experts from government, industry and academia for the third annual Industry Collider Day Sept. 8.

Sept. 19, 2022

Small businesses receive over $1 million in contracts at DLA’s Industry Collider Day

Eight small businesses were awarded nine separate contracts worth over $1 million for innovative national security solutions during the Defense Logistics Agency’s Industry Collider Day Sept. 8.

Aug. 18, 2022

DLA Energy Small Business participates in Red Hill Procurement Readiness Workshop

In support of on-going efforts to close the Navy’s Red Hill fuel storage facility, the Department of the Navy’s Office of Small Business Programs held a virtual Procurement Readiness Workshop July 26-27.

June 27, 2022

DLA program introduces domestic germanium recycling capability 

A DLA program for recycling optical-grade germanium used in military weapons systems and night vision equipment has led to new capability in the U.S. defense industrial base. 

April 5, 2022

Office of Small Business leader inducted into DLA Energy Hall of Fame

During her 27-year career at DLA Energy, Lula Manley distinguished herself as a mission-focused contracting officer, a division chief and finally as associate director of the Office of Small Business Programs.