
DLA News Archive

Tag: DLA Distribution San Joaquin

Sept. 9, 2022

DLA Distribution completes White House test kit support mission

In late December 2021, Defense Logistics Agency Distribution was tasked with transshipping COVID-19 test kits to U.S. Postal Service locations in support of the President’s mandate to provide free test kits for all Americans.

Aug. 9, 2022

DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, trains with DLA Disposition at COREX 2022

COREX22, led by DLA Disposition Services, is engineered to offer DLA with an opportunity to perform expeditionary disposition services. 

June 17, 2022

DLA Distribution San Joaquin welcomes new commander

Marine Corps. Col. Kevin Chunn assumed command of Defense Logistics Agency Distribution San Joaquin, California, from Marine Col. Tiffany Harris during a change of command ceremony June 17.

May 31, 2022

DLA Installation Management San Joaquin officially cuts ribbon at new access control point complex

The new access point will provide updated security and make sure one of the most important military strategic stations is protected.

Feb. 9, 2021

Collaboration and understanding improves national supply chain

When an opportunity arose to improve the national supply chain, DLA Distribution Deputy Commander (former Chief of Staff) Perry Knight, Senior Executive Service, tasked Improvement Specialist, Sherry Amrhein, to put a team in place to start researching a solution to a U.S. General Services Administration export transshipment issue.

Oct. 22, 2019

Laskowski named DLA Distribution Category A Employee of the Quarter

Ray T. Laskowski, a distribution process worker with Defense Logistics Agency Distribution San Joaquin, California, has been named Employee of the Quarter, Category A for the fiscal year 2019 second quarter.

Aug. 16, 2019

Former DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California commander receives Defense Superior Service Medal

United States Marine Corps Col. Andre T. Harrell was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal in a ceremony held at DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, Aug. 16.“Dre is an exceptional leader who has demonstrated unprecedented performance comparable to only a select few officers I have ever had the privilege of serving alongside,” said Rear

July 10, 2019

San Joaquin Partnering with the Discovery ChalleNGe Academy to enhance the distribution center’s workforce

DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, located in Tracy, has partnered with the leadership of the Discovery ChalleNGe Academy to obtain qualified graduates to work in the Unitized Group Rations mission at the distribution center. As a direct result of the partnership, the distribution center is hiring 19 graduates of the program this year.The

June 28, 2019

San Joaquin named a RAPIDS Site of the Year

Defense Distribution Depot San Joaquin, located in Tracy, California, received the 2018 Site Excellence Award for Defense Enrollment Eligibility System and Real-time Automated Identification System in an award ceremony held at the distribution center May 29.The Pass and Identification Office was selected for this prestigious Department of Defense

May 17, 2019

San Joaquin Awarded the 2019 California Employer Advisory Council Veterans Employer of the Year

The leadership of DLA Distribution San Joaquin, California, and the American Federation of Government Employees Local 1546 union led a vigorous veteran hiring campaign, which led to the installation being awarded the 2019 California Employer Advisory Council’s Veterans Employer of the Year.  The award recognizes an organization’s commitment to an