
DLA News Archive

Archive: February, 2020

Feb. 5, 2020

Hardware employees share knowledge to improve communication, processes

Employees at the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support’s Industrial Hardware supply chain established a “best practice team” consisting of handpicked members who are standardizing cross-functional communication and better streamlining operations across IH workflows.

Feb. 5, 2020

Spring-like weather ends, associates prepare for cold

As the sun set over Defense Supply Center Columbus Feb. 3, it marked the end of a handful of Spring-like days in Central Ohio. Associates enjoyed temperatures in the low 60s thanks to a wave of warm weather.

Feb. 5, 2020

Aviation commander speaks to local Rotarians

In a small meeting room inside the Sandlot Café on the grounds of the Iron Bridge Sports Park in Chester, Virginia, Feb. 5, a relationship was forged between a local civic group and Defense Logistics Agency Aviation.

Feb. 5, 2020

DLA explores business opportunities with Army Corps of Engineers

Representatives from DLA Energy and four other DLA major subordinate commands traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, to explore business opportunities within the Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, Jan. 15.

Feb. 5, 2020

DLA Distribution Red River’s Paul and Roper team up for suggestion award program and win

DDRT employees earn suggestion award for improved bundle process

Feb. 5, 2020

New devices heat up classes in Georgia school

Students at Alleluia Community School in Augusta, Georgia, were able to start the New Year with some new helpers to aid their learning thanks to the Defense Department’s Computers for Learning program managed by the Defense Logistics Agency.

Feb. 4, 2020

Logistics on Location: Operation Deep Freeze

DLA receives, stores, packs and ships crucial supplies to customers in Antarctica and the South Pole during Operation Deep Freeze.

Feb. 4, 2020

Army logisticians converge on Richmond

Twenty-four Army civilians, attending a two-week Army Logistics University Master Logistician Course being held at Fort Lee, Virginia, spent time at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, Jan. 30.

Feb. 3, 2020

DLA Distribution San Diego employees experience Zumwalt Simulator firsthand

Employees of the DLA Distribution San Diego center were recently given a tour of the Zumwalt Training Facility and simulator, giving them a unique insight into the operations their efforts are supporting in keeping our warfighters at peak readiness.

Feb. 3, 2020

Leaning Forward Into the New Year

A new year has begun for OUR team. We continue using the momentum built thus far to propel us forward. Take a look at where we have come from.