
DLA News Archive

Archive: 2015

June 22, 2015

DLA Distributions Laird graduates from 2015 Depot and Arsenal Executive Leadership Program

Brian P. Laird, deputy director of Defense Logistics Agency Distribution’s Future Plans Directorate, graduated from the Depot and Arsenal Executive Leadership Program on May 21.

June 22, 2015

A community celebrates DLA Distribution’s incoming and outgoing leaders with Hail and Farewell

Friends, family, coworkers and local government officials gathered together inside the Texarkana College’s Truman Arnold Student Center for the Hail and Farewell ceremony of Army Lt. Col. Anthony A. Stoeger and Army Lt. Col. Milton G. Kelly June 11. The ceremony was hosted by the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce.

June 19, 2015

DLA director visits FEMA headquarters, discusses shared missions

DLA Director Air Force Lt. Gen. Andy Busch met with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, FEMA Deputy Administrator Joseph Nimmich and Assistant Administrator for Logistics Jeffrey Dorko June 12 during a visit to FEMA headquarters in Washington.

June 19, 2015

Oklahoma City’s Rickey named DLA Employee of the Quarter

Jimmie Rickey, acting operations division chief at Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Oklahoma City, Okla., was named DLA Employee of the Quarter for the second quarter of this fiscal year.

June 18, 2015

Fairness, respect focus of LGBT Pride Month event at HQC

Mutual respect and tolerance can eliminate barriers that keep lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender federal employees from giving their best, a guest speaker from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said during an LGBT Pride Month observance June 17 at the McNamara Headquarters Complex.

June 18, 2015

DLA Distribution Bahrain welcomes new director

Paul A. McMillan assumed command of Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Bahrain, Southwest Asia, in a ceremony June 18. The ceremony was officiated by DLA Distribution commander Army Brig. Gen. Richard Dix.

June 17, 2015

Hunter recognized for achievements as first commander of Bahrain distribution center

Navy Supply Corps Cmdr. Julie M. Hunter has been awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for her achievements while serving as commander, Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Bahrain, Southwest Asia.

June 16, 2015

San Joaquin hosts Expeditionary Academy

DLA Distribution Expeditionary team members at DLA Distribution San Joaquin, Calif., hosted a two-day Expeditionary Academy for the Distribution Operations Team San Joaquin Navy Reserve unit June 6 to provide hands-on training in assembling and building a deployable campus.

June 16, 2015

Red River MRAP team receives Global Distribution Excellence award

Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Red River, Texas’ Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Team has been awarded the Global Distribution Excellence: DLA Distribution Team Performance of the Year in the medium category for 2014.

June 16, 2015

Energy personnel support QLLEX

Defense Logistics Agency Energy personnel have deployed to multiple states in support of the Army’s annual bulk petroleum and bulk water exercise, June 7-20.