
DLA Application Resources

DLA Internet Bid Board System

DLA Internet Bid Board System Home Screen

DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) - search for, view, and submit secure quotes on Request for Quotations for DLA items of supply.

DLA cFolders

DLA Collaboration Folders (cFolders) - contains Technical Data Packages (TDP)/BidSets and Engineering Data List (EDLs) for DLA procurements.

  • System Access Issues (Login problems, password resets and the like) call the DISA Global Service Desk at 844-347-2457 - Press 5, D-L-A

DLA Application Resources

Banner for CAGE Code App

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code

Feb. 02, 2022

Unique identifier assigned to suppliers, government or defense agencies, and various organizations.
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Banner for DIBBS App

DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS)

Feb. 03, 2022

Search for, view, and submit secure quotes on RFQs for DLA items of supply.
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Banner for DLA cFolders Application

DLA Collaboration Folders (cFolders)

Feb. 15, 2022

Contains TDP/BidSets and EDLs for DLA procurements.
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Banner for EEBP App

DLA Enterprise External Business Portal (EEBP)

Feb. 03, 2022

Provides industry and military service personnel with centralized access to DLA Business Services.
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Banner for FedMall Web App


Dec. 16, 2021

FedMall provides access to requisitions, research, and tracking tools for DLA inventory.
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Banner for IIG application

Interactive Government/Industry Reference Data E...

Feb. 03, 2022

Database that allows for review and/or update of product info in the Federal Catalog System (FCS).
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Banner for MEDALS Applications

Military Engineering Data Asset Locator System (...

Feb. 03, 2022

Locate engineering drawings throughout the DOD community on this web-based indexing system.
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Banner for Quick Search ASSIST Application

Quick Search - Basic Search in ASSIST

Feb. 03, 2022

Search for defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, and more.
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Text for WebFLIS® accompanied by an icon with a monitor with crossed hammer and wrench on the screen, on an abstract blue map background

Web Federal Logistics Information System (WebFLIS®)

Dec. 16, 2021

WebFLIS® provides essential information about supply items including the NSN, Item Name, and Reference/Part...
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Having security certificate issues on DLA applications?

While most computers automatically recognize public Certification Authorities (CAs) that are trusted to validate the identity of the secure (HTTPS) websites, many .MIL sites are verified through private DoD CAs whose certificates require manual installation by a local system administrator. IT departments within the DoD typically install and update these certificates for their employees automatically, but there are occasions that updates do not reach all user workstations and a manual installation becomes necessary.  Non-DoD agencies, private sector organizations and home users do not typically have DoD CA certificates installed on their computers and will more than likely be required to complete the steps on the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) guide  in order to access many DLA resources.