
DLA News Archive

Tag: PAL L&M

Sept. 10, 2021

A Word from the Employee Assistance Program Manager

At Land and Maritime, we have an Active-Duty component, a number of Guard and Reserve personnel, and many veterans. 

July 22, 2021

DSCC plants saplings at MWR Sports Park

The Defense Supply Center Columbus Installation Management Team planted 50 tree saplings at the DSCC MWR Sports Park this summer. The saplings were donated through an Urban Tree Project partnership in consult with the City of Columbus and the Urban Tree Master Plan Project to identify sites for potential tree plantings and expand the city’s existing tree canopy.

May 20, 2019

Family summer fun

MWR's Family Services Program hosted a Free Family Summer Fun Reboot seminar May 14 at the Red Roof Pavilion in Mission Park on DSCC. The seminar was presented by Michiel DeVito, program manager for MWR FSP and Jenna Landuyt of Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Columbus.

May 19, 2019

Puget Sound focuses on reducing customer wait times, improves processes

Customers have been the focus for the past three years at the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s Puget Sound detachment. The DLA Maritime - Puget Shop Stores item managers have worked diligently to improve customer support by driving down the not-in-stock or empty bin rate, reducing the risk of costly work stoppages at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility.

May 2, 2019

Solicitation for FY20 DCELP Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program. Program and nomination information can be found at