
DLA News Archive

Tag: DLA L&M

March 27, 2020

Commentary: Employee Assistance Program is here to help

These are strange times we find ourselves in. As the world grapples with coronavirus, it’s an especially stressful time for all and many are asking questions about what’s next.

March 23, 2020

Land and Maritime Deputy Commander addresses leadership development skills

More than 50 leadership minded Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime associates gathered in the Building 20 Buckeye/Cardinal rooms March 11 to hear Land and Maritime Deputy Commander Kenneth Watson share some of his insights and key principles in becoming a successful leader.

March 23, 2020

Land and Maritime presents its Dynamic Operating Plan to DLA Director, highlights strategic logistics capabilities.

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John Palmer and his senior leadership team presented a review of the Land and Maritime Dynamic Operation Plan to Army Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams, DLA director, and members of the DLA headquarters staff via video teleconference March 13.

March 16, 2020

DLA Land and Maritime commander visits Pearl Harbor

Associates at Defense Logistics Agency Maritime Pearl Harbor welcomed DLA Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John T. Palmer Feb. 26-28. The detachment is one of several around the United States helmed by the Central Ohio-based logistics center.

March 11, 2020

DLA Maritime Pearl Harbor commander earns meritorious award

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John T. Palmer was on hand Feb. 28 to recognize DLA Maritime Pearl Harbor Director Cdr. Bruce Reilly with the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for his exceptional service.

March 8, 2020

DLA Land and Maritime hosts Energy Deputy Commander during orientation visit

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John T. Palmer, hosted DLA Energy’s Deputy Commander W. Eric Smith during an orientation visit March 3.

March 5, 2020

DLA Land and Maritime deputy commander highlights national conference on tactical vehicle fleet

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Deputy Commander Kenneth Watson was a keynote speaker at the 2020 Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference March 3 in Austin, Texas.

March 5, 2020

2020 Ohio State University Economics Fair

Jay Hilderbran, People and Culture recruiter for the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, attended the Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences Economics Department Spring Career Fair Feb. 20 at the Ohio Union Complex.

March 5, 2020

DLA Land and Maritime, Workforce We Need Summit

The Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime participated in the inaugural Workforce We Need Summit hosted by the Department of the Air Force and Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education, held at the National Museum of the United States Air Force Feb. 24.

March 3, 2020

‘You are not alone:’ Meditation room provides respite

“To feel so alone in a place as big as this.” The anonymous words scribbled in green marker got Helen Brooks’ attention. They were left on a dry erase board in the Interfaith Meditation Room at the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s headquarters where Brooks is a resolution specialist.