
DLA News Archive

Tag: DLA L&M

Feb. 21, 2020

University of Akron Engineering & Engineering Technology Career Fair: Spring 2020

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s Engineering and Technical Support Directorate participated in the Engineering and Engineering Technology Career Fair at the University of Akron on Feb. 11. This event connected 177 employers with more than 1,060 engineering students seeking internships and full-time employment.

Feb. 20, 2020

Level I Mentoring Program Graduation

The Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime will celebrate the graduation of 20 associates from its Level I Mentoring Program Feb. 26 at 9:30 a.m. in the Defense Supply Center Columbus’ Operations Center Auditorium. The mission of the program is to allow DLA Land and Maritime associates below the General Schedule and Wage Grade 9 levels to develop mentoring and protégé relationships with other associates, and build on their own personal and professional skills.

Feb. 7, 2020

2020 Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges CareerFest

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime participated in the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges CareerFest Jan. 31 at the Ohio Expo Center’s Kasich Hall. Employers who attended this career fest were offered the opportunity to meet high caliber undergraduate students seeking internships. People and Culture recruiters Dan Hayden and David Lanzillota spoke with more than 150 potential applicants who visited the booth over the four-hour period.

Feb. 7, 2020

January New Employee Orientation

Eight new associates attended the January New Employees Orientation in Bldg. 20 Cardinal Room. They will be reporting to Business Process Support (BA), Information Operations (J6), Financial Operations (J8C), People and Culture (C) and the DSCC Police Department.

Jan. 30, 2020

2020 Ohio State University Spring Career Fair

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime participated in the Ohio State University Spring Career and Internship Fair Jan. 21.

Jan. 28, 2020

DLA Land and Maritime awards interconnection equipment contracts worth $808 million

Seven companies received five-year contracts totaling $808.1 million overall to provide interconnection equipment to the Department of Defense in a landmark move by the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime to improve warfighter readiness and help maintain a robust industrial base.

Dec. 10, 2019

Local community officials visit DSCC

Area economic and community officials visited the Defense Supply Center Columbus Dec. 3 and met with leadership from the base’s two largest tenants – the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service – Columbus.

Nov. 25, 2019

Land and Maritime Deputy Commander attends Portsmouth facility groundbreaking

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s Deputy Commander Kenneth Watson joined several U.S. senators, DLA Land and Maritime’s Portsmouth Naval Shipyard leadership and associates Nov. 22 to celebrate the official groundbreaking of a new Navy submarine servicing facility.

Nov. 21, 2019

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime People and Culture Director retirement announced

A Retirement Ceremony in honor of Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime People and Culture Director, Robert L. Boggs Ph.D, is being held in the Building 20 Auditorium Dec. 11 at 10 a.m.

Nov. 21, 2019

October New Employee Orientation

The October New Employee Orientation was held Oct. 30 and 31, 2019 in Building 20. The class had 30 new employees, making it one of the largest groups to attend NEO!