
DoDAAD Configuration Management Board

The Secretary of Defense, by Agreement with the General Services Administration, administers the DoDAAD on behalf of the DoD and Federal Government. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD A&S) delegates this responsibility to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics, through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment. The Defense Enterprise Data Standards Office (DEDSO) is chartered by ODASD(L) to chair a Configuration Management Board (CMB) for the Administration of the DoDAAD, with participation by all stakeholder DoD Components and Federal Agencies.

Next Configuration Management Board Meeting

Date: Every 4th Thursday
Time: 1-2 PM Eastern
Agenda: TBD
Minutes: TBD
URL: Teams Link provided in Meeting invite (DCS will not be used)
Action Item Tracking: TBD
Location: Teleconference/MS Teams
Directions/Accommodations: N/A

Adobe PDF Icon Meeting Survey Form

DoDAAD Information

DoDAAD Policy, Procedures & Published Changes.  The policy and procedures for the DoDAAD can be found in DLM 4000.25, Volume 6, Chapter 2, and are supported by various published tables and codes. Additionally, DoD Components and Federal Agencies have subordinate and complementary policies that also provide guidance on the DoDAAD

Are you up to date?  The approved changes for the DoDAAD can be found in the list below:

Other Helpful Resources

DoDAAD Committee Archives

Below are some of the past meeting minutes of the Department of Defense Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) Configuration Management Board (CMB).

If you need access to documents, or non .mil/.gov visitors: contact us.

Minutes Agenda/Other
Adobe PDF Icon Minutes for November PRC (November 1, 2018) MS-Word Icon Agenda (November 1, 2018)
Microsoft Excel Icon Attendees (November 1, 2018)
Adobe PDF Icon Minutes for July 13, 2016 PRC Meeting Adobe PDF Icon Agenda/Briefings (July 13, 2016)
Minutes for November PRC MS-Word Icon Agenda (November 18, 2015)
MS-Word Icon Attendees (November 18, 2015)
Adobe PDF Icon Minutes for September PRC (September 25, 2014) MS-Word Icon Agenda for September PRC (September 25, 2014)
Adobe PDF Icon DoDAAD PRC Minutes (April 10, 2013) MS-Word Icon DoDAAD PRC Agenda (April 10, 2013)