Controlled Property Verification Office (CPVO)
The CPVO is responsible for reviewing DLA Disposition Services property before it enters the sales cycle with the objective of preventing government-sensitive or controlled property from being released to the public.
The CPVO also focuses on analyzing the accuracy of the assigned demilitarization (DEMIL) code assigned to each National Stock Number (NSN) in DLA Disposition Services inventory as well as maintain the controlled property lists such as the F-14, NWRM, Military Camo Uniforms, and SALD.
For questions concerning the information presented, please contact
Small Arms
DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Serialization Program (SASP) office provides demilitarization for serialized weapons and serialized weapon parts. These items should be shipped directly to Anniston, AL SASP Office. Visit the CDD Anniston page for shipping address and contact information.
Non-serialized and controlled item inventory code (CIIC) 2-4 weapons parts are required to be shipped to the Anniston Field Site.
For reutilization or disposal, the generating military personnel or contractor of the DLA activity will contact the Central DEMIL Division (CDD) Small Arms at for turn-in and shipping instructions. Generating military personnel or contractors of the DLA activity will also be informed of small arms that are unacceptable for disposal (as covered by moratorium). This will alleviate unnecessary shipments of small arms and weapons. When possible, prior to shipment, the SASP office will assist the generator with identifying, and resolving any problems that may prohibit or delay the acceptance of a small arm.
The generator will update their component small arms registry, and electronically transmit the shipment transaction to the DLA SASP office as instructed in DoD 4000.25-2-M, Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures. The generating military personnel or contractor of the DLA activity will send the small arms weapon in partial or complete form to the DLA Disposition Services CDD SASP office in Anniston, Alabama.
A listing of serial numbers associated with each DD 1348-1, Material Documented as Safe (MDAS), and the Letter of Appointed Personnel (LOA) that performed the Certification, addressed to Central Demil Division SASP Anniston, AL will be furnished with each turn in of weapons. Partial and/or complete weapons will not be mixed on an Issue/Release/Receipt Document (IRRD). One IRRD per NSN (weapon type); no mixed weapons in a container
Partial/Incomplete weapons turned in under the whole weapon NSN, require the accompanying Missing Parts List. Reference 4160.21-M, Chapter 4
NO local stock numbers may be accepted. To obtain a Material Control Number (MCN) please contact LDAC at
BURNT weapons may not be accepted without an ARM. To obtain an ARM, please contact LDAC
The SHIP TO DODAAC is SYD184, SHIP TO ADDRESS: DLA Disposition Services Anniston, Bldg. 104, 7 Frankford Ave, Anniston, AL 36201
Additional SASP Information
Only Condemned M-1 carbines, M-1 Garand rifles, M-14 rifles, .22 caliber rifles, .30 caliber rifles, or M1911 pistols may be disposed of at DLA Disposition Services. DLA Disposition Services cannot accept any of the small arms or receivers of the small arms covered by the "moratorium" unless they are condemned/unserviceable (CC "H") or DEMIL residue, i.e., DEMIL having been performed by the MILSVC.
The generator should use the following forms to satisfy Letters of Unserviceable Property – (Condemned) they would be the "equivalent" piece. These forms are referenced in MIL-STD-129P, Military Marking for Shipment and Storage: DD Form 1577 (Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag - Material) or DD Form 1577-1 (Unserviceable (Condemned) Label - Material).
DEMIL questions can be sent via email to:
OSD Moratorium
SASP Forms
LDAC Contact
DOD Small Arms/Light Weapons Registry
Soldier Support Center
USARMY Logistics Data Analysis Center
Toll Free: 1-866-211-3367
Commercial: 256-955-7716
OCONUS DSN: 312-645-7716
CONUS DSN: 645-7716
eRecycling Program
DLA Disposition Services is appointed by the Department of Defense (DoD) for the implementation of environmentally sound procedures for the disposition of electronics.
Many electronic products contain hazardous materials such as lead, beryllium, cadmium, and mercury.
Our mission is to responsibly recycle and dispose of electronics in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and DoD policies to protect national security, personally identifiable information (PII), and the environment.
CIISD Program
Class II Support Division (CIISD) is the responsible DoD component for the disposition authorization, demilitarization, and disposal of all Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRND) individual protective equipment (IPE). This service is managed by the CIISD Defense Accountability Reutilization and Disposal (DARD) activity. CIISD has three areas of service for IPE, disposal/demilitarization, reutilization of Code “A” items, and training assets.
To Request Disposition/Disposal send completed form to
Approved NIIN List
To request Training Assets:
- Fill out the Training Asset Request Form and email the completed form to
- A CIISD representative will call the customer at the contact number you provided on the request to review/validate your request and answer any questions you may have.
- Once the CIISD has received the funding required, your assets will be shipped to the DODAAC you provided.
Note: If you have any questions please contact DLA Disposition Services CIISD Program Manager at
Nuclear Weapons Related Material (NWRM)
NWRM items are DOD designated classified or unclassified assemblies and subassemblies identified by the Military Departments that comprise or could comprise a standardized war reserve nuclear weapon (including equivalent training devices).
In order to ensure positive inventory control of NWRM, the USAF has assumed responsibility for NWRM storage, handling, and accountability.
However, the long-term management of NWRM requires cooperation between the USAF, other agencies and DLA (including Disposition Services).