
Contact Us

Department of Defense Demilitarization Program Office Contacts

Title Phone Number
DOD DEMIL Program Manager   DSN: (312) 392-2420
  COMM: (571) 474-5184
Deputy Program Manager
  DSN: (312) 661-5379
  COMM: (269) 908-7494

Department of Defense Demilitarization Coding Management Office (DDCMO) Contacts

Title Phone Number
DDCMO Chief   DSN: 661-5763
  COMM: (269) 961-5763
DEMIL Challenge Program
(DLA Disposition Services HQ and Field sites POC to use for challenge inquiries)
  DSN: 661-5611
  COMM: (269) 961-5611
DEMIL Review Team
(Military Services POC on collaboration or status of DEMIL code updates on National Stock Numbers)
  DSN: 661-4710
  COMM: (269) 961-4710
DEMIL Special Projects Team
(Law Enforcement Support, Special Investigation Updates, or divesting projects BEFORE physical turn in)
  DSN: 661-7316 or 661-4710
  COMM: (269) 961-7316 or (296) 961-4710

Department of Defense Trade Security Controls Contacts

Title Phone Number
Trade Security Program Manager

  DSN: 312-392-8144
  COMM: 571-767-8144

Deputy Trade Security 

  DSN: 312-392-3997
  COMM: 571-767-3997


For any other DEMIL related inquiries, please email