
DLA News Archive

Tag: DLA L&M

July 22, 2021

DSCC plants saplings at MWR Sports Park

The Defense Supply Center Columbus Installation Management Team planted 50 tree saplings at the DSCC MWR Sports Park this summer. The saplings were donated through an Urban Tree Project partnership in consult with the City of Columbus and the Urban Tree Master Plan Project to identify sites for potential tree plantings and expand the city’s existing tree canopy.

June 3, 2021

DSCC commander honors fallen at local Memorial Day service

Memorial Day weekend heralded a return to traditional in-person events beginning with observances held across Ohio to honor the nation’s fallen service members.

May 25, 2021

Land and Maritime electronics engineer Taysa Markus featured in latest DLA Rap episode

Meet Taysa Markus, a shining star at DLA Land and Maritime, in the latest episode of the DLA Rap produced by DLA Headquarters. Markus defines resiliency. At the end of the Vietnam War, her family took on hardship, adversity and trauma and persevered. Today Markus is an electronics engineer with Land and Maritime’s Engineering and Technical Support Directorate.

April 15, 2021

Installation environmental office offers tips on landscaping for wildlife

Spring has sprung in Ohio and many of us are spending more time at home. Naturally, this is a great time for lawn and garden improvements. If you’re in the market for some new bushes or trees, why not also attract more birds and butterflies? Any tree or shrub will provide so much more habitat than a lawn alone but consider taking it a step further and choosing a native variety.

April 15, 2021

DLA Maritime Portsmouth increases submarine support capacity

Defense Logistics Agency Maritime Portsmouth has completed construction on a 29,000-square-foot addition to their maintenance facility that will significantly increase their maritime operational capacity.

April 8, 2021

Department of Defense awards Land and Maritime electronics engineer for advancing resistor technology

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Electronics Engineer Andrew Ernst was awarded the Department of Defense’s Defense Standardization Program Award for fiscal year 2020 for his outstanding leadership during the development of a new specification impacting bulk metal film chip resistors for high reliability and standard reliability applications.

April 8, 2021

Chief of Staff's Travel Log: Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park

Took a trip to Metro Park’s Battelle Darby Creek, southwest of Columbus. This place is a gem! Well groomed – and wide – gravel trails are easy-to-moderate and in great condition. There are views of the Darby Creek, running fast now as we get into Spring.

March 19, 2021

DLA Land and Maritime welcomes new chief of staff

U.S. Navy Capt. Dinis Pimentel joined the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime leadership team as chief of staff this month following the departure of Air Force Col. Samuel Payne for his new assignment at DLA headquarters.

March 19, 2021

Land and Maritime Public Affairs Specialists honored with 2020 DLA Journalism Awards

The Defense Logistics Agency recognized two DLA Land and Maritime Public Affairs Specialists for garnering top awards during the 2020 DLA Journalism Award competition. The competition is held annually and showcases DLA’s most effective journalism contributions to the DLA mission.

Dec. 22, 2020

Land and Maritime small business leader bids farewell after 40 years of service

Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime will bid farewell to retiring Office of Small Business Programs Director Anita Luich in January. Luich took time this month to share insights from her 40 years of service to the nation.