
Vendor Kitting Opportunities

Interested in becoming a kitting vendor? Take a look at the requirements for becoming an approved vendor.

Customer Kitting Information

Our innovations in kitting support will keep you flying! DLA Aviation kits are tailored to specific military and federal civilian customer tasks and requirements. Designed to increase aircraft readiness for operational field units and all levels of aircraft maintenance, our kits are comprised of various DLA- and non DLA-managed components, and range in size and complexity from small/non-complex (nuts, bolts, fasteners) to large/complex (structural components, electrical assemblies, bearings). 

Benefits of using DLA Aviation kits include:

  • Engineering Support Activity (ESA) approved supply system national stock numbers (NSNs)
  • Utilize government supply chain
  • DLA leveraged buying power
  • Tailored support services
  • Flexible kit designs
  • Commercial & organic kitting services
  • Supports SOF, TCTO, & bulletins
  • Innovative solutions to maintenance flows and weapon systems readiness

Request a New Kit

  1. Begin by filling out the Kit Request Form (XLS) 
  2. Coordinate with your engineering support activity or program manager office for approval to submit the kit request to DLA.
  3. Send completed kit request to the kitting representative at or fax forms to
    (804) 279-6565 (DSN 695-6565), ATTN: Aviation Kitting Section

Request Changes to Existing Kits

Kitting Customer Information