
Official Mailing Address

Defense Logistics Agency for Aviation
Mapping Customer Operations
(DLA Aviation-QAM)
6090 Strathmore Road
Richmond, VA USA 23237

Contact Mapping Customer Operations

We are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Customer Support

Normal Business Hours: 0630 to 1600, M - F (Except Holidays) Eastern Time

Phone:  (804) 279-6500
DSN: 695-6500
Toll Free: 1-800-826-0342

Telefax: (804) 279-6510
Telefax DSN: 695-6510

Contact Forms

Forward Operations

Our forward support operations are designed to get our products closer to our customers.  These offices are located throughout the world and provide the same great service you will receive from our main office in Richmond, Virginia.

Geospatial Intelligence - Forward Presence Teams

Our Forward Presence Teams (FPT) are designed to update and upgrade support to our customers. This synergistic business model combines the strength of logistics management, printing, storage, distribution, and GIS support. Combining the talents and capabilities of DLA (Aviation, Document Services, and Distribution) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in one location provides our customers with optimum support.

Forward Presence Team Commercial/DSN E-Mail
Ft Liberty

DSN 236-748-5650
Mobile  910-973-9257

Map Support Offices

Our Map Support Offices (MSO) provide many of the same capabilities as our FPT.  These distribution points stock and issue map products close to our customers. 

MSO Commercial/DSN E-Mail
Norfolk, VA  757-278-8410
DSN 392-278-8410
San Diego, CA  619-512-0756
DSN 392-512-0756
Joint Base Pearl Harbor, HI  808-786-2575
DSN 315-473-2575
Yokosuka, Japan  011-81-42-800-0317
DSN 315-234-0317/0318
Waegwan, Korea  011-82-54-970-4182
DSN 315-765‐4182
Germersheim, Germany  011-49-7274-963-8044
DSN 314-963-8044
Manama, Bahrain  011-973-1785-8884
DSN 318-439-8884