Destruction of Aero, Topo, and Hydro Products
Receipt of map products with superseding edition number constitutes authority for destruction of the previous edition. Disposal of map products in Federal Supply Classes 7641, 7642 and 7643 must be processed through the Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO) and treated as follows:
Classified products must be destroyed in accordance with DoDM 5200.01 volume 3 Enclosure 3 and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Demilitarization Codes for Disposal.
Limited Distribution must be treated like ‘‘For Official Use Only’’ (FOUO) documents. FOUO documents must be destroyed so that reconstruction is difficult. Local conditions may warrant more thorough destruction.
Unclassified (excluding Limited Distribution) should be disposed of in an appropriate manner consistent with local policy. Destruction questions about unrestricted NGA products not available through NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) may be directed to the Richmond Map Facility (RMF).
Reutilization, transfer or donation of map products to DRMS is prohibited.
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