U.S. Government Agencies
Maps, charts and geospatial products are provided free to selected U.S. government agencies. U.S. government customers are required to use available logistics systems (such as FedMall) to submit Federal Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures (FEDSTRIP) orders to Mapping Customer Operations (MCO). Non-DOD activities not involved with counter-drug operations will be billed for products.
Approved Executive Branches of the U.S. government and their authorized contractors are authorized to receive classified products. All requests must be submitted on official letterhead to the MCO Customer Management Branch, indicating the following information:
The "need-to-know"
- Security clearance level
- Storage capability
- Valid point of contact
- Valid commercial and DSN telephone numbers
- Mailing address to which classified materials will be shipped
Immediate notification must be directed to MCO Customer Management Branch when changes occur to any of the above requested information
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