
LESO Public Information

Posting of this data was a requirement of the FY16 NDAA. Initial posting was quarter 1, FY17. These records were not pulled prior to FY17 as DLA did not require this report.

DLA’s Law Enforcement Support Office transfers excess Department of Defense property to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies within the United States and its Territories.

LESO Property Transferred to Participating Agencies

By state and agency name as of December 31, 2024.

This is the most recent quarterly update of the accountable property held by participating agencies. Property falls into two categories – Controlled and Non-controlled. Controlled property always remains on the LESO property book because it still belongs to and is accountable to DoD. On the other hand, Non-controlled property consists of common items DLA would sell to the general public. The data represents a “snapshot in time” with regards to Non-controlled property, which represents the bulk of the transfers.  After one year Non-controlled items become the property of the law enforcement agency and are removed from the LESO database.

See the LESO Frequently Asked Questions for a comprehensive understanding of the program.


LESO Information for Shipments (Transfers) and Cancellations of Property

The information includes all requests made during the time period of October 1, – December 31, 2024.


Federal Property Acquisitions

The information includes all requests made during the time period of October 1, – December 31, 2024.


Executive Order 13688 Recalled Property (PDF)

Training Ammunition Transfers

LESO works with the U.S. Army to transfer excess DoD small arms ammunition (under .50 caliber) to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in accordance with Section 2576a, Title 10 United States Code. The Army identifies excess small arms ammunition once a year and LESO will publish transfers annually after all shipments are received.  Small arms ammunition transfers to LEAs are used for training purposes only.

Training Ammunition transfers to Local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies

Data valid for June 13 - October 10, 2024.