End of Fiscal Year (EOFY) 2024 Order Receipt and Funding Receipt deadlines have been posted below, left

** End of Fiscal Year Notice for Ability One Customers **


  • FY24 Order Receipt Deadline: September 3, 2024; 11:59 p.m. EST

NOTE: All orders expected to be funded with FY24 funds must be received in our mailbox (ABOBSCOrders@dla.mil) by this deadline. Orders received after this deadline will be returned to the submitter with the opportunity to resubmit using FY25 funds.

  • FY24 Funding Receipt Deadline: September 13, 2024; 11:59 p.m. EST

NOTE: All Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheets with the appropriate funding must be sent from the FOPOC to our mailbox (ABOBSCPriceAcknowledgements@dla.mil) by this deadline or the order and the funding will be returned to the FOPOC.



Customer Information & Resources

DD448 (MIPR) instructions for ABOBSC TLS purchases

GT&C/G-Invoicing: To get started, contact: CEGTC@dla.mil

  • DLA is working to implement G-Invoicing system solution for orders, performance, receipt, and acceptance.
  • DLA will continue to broker agreements in G-Invoicing while implementing its system solution.
  • DLA will continue to accept DD Form 448 or Fiscal Service Form 7600B until this time.
  • For any questions regarding G-Invoicing or to check whether there is an agreement in place, please contact CEGTC@dla.mil.

Post-Award Conference Slides

AbilityOne Base Supply Center TLSP

Walls and racks of office supplies inside a base supply center with AbilityOne logos throughout. The AbilityOne Base Supply Center (ABOBSC) Tailored Logistics Support Program (TLSP) enables Base Supply Center customers to order items currently sold at Base Supply Centers as well as related supplies within the following categories: Office Products, Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies, Food Service Supplies, Hardware and Tools, Workplace Safety Items, Individual Equipment, and Special Orders.

The program allows customers to submit order requests to be funded with MILSTRIP or MIPR funding. 

Ordering process

Ordering processes are highlighted below for customers and vendors.

1.  You must have a Customer Point of Contact registered for an account in order to submit a request. If you have not registered for your account and need to do so, please use the BidWiser Customer Registration form .

2.  Customers submit order request to ABOBSCOrders@dla.mil for evaluation for scope by a Contracting Officer.  All orders must be unfunded upon initial submission to DLA Troop Support.  We will not accept any method of funding up front.  

3.  If approved, orders are sent to vendors via email as a formal Request for Quote (RFQ).  The date and time for receipt of quotes will be specified on each RFQ.

4.  Once prices are determined fair and reasonable by the contracting officer, a spreadsheet with prices proposed for award is sent to the customer.  Customer will complete this Price Acknowledgement Spreadsheet and, at that time, submit (with funding) to ABOBSCPriceAcknowledgements@dla.mil.

Documents, forms and contacts

Please be sure to read and review the following documents as referenced above and needed to place your order through the C&E ABOBSC TLSP. We remain committed to ensuring a seamless transition during this process change, and look forward to your continued utilization of this program.

Please use the following contacts for coordinating each phase of the ordering process as required: