DLA Value Management Program - Troop Support
The DLA Value Management (VM) Program at Troop Support aims to achieve essential functions at the lowest costs consistent with needed performance, safety, reliability, quality and maintainability. Value management is achieved by analyzing the functional requirements of systems, equipment, facilities, procedures and supplies leveraged through the DoD and DLA Value Management/Value Engineering community.
Value Engineering Savings
VE savings are the result of approved changes offered by our valued contractors as Value Engineering Change Proposals (VECPs) and Government personnel as Value Engineering Proposals (VEPs). Contractors and employees can submit value engineering assistance requests to obtain initial information on items of interest and to request information on how to formally submit proposals through the tool below.
DLA Value Management Program provides a method for proposals which recommend cost savings changes to DLA Troop Support systems, equipment, facilities, procedures and supplies. The changes cover a wide area and include commercialization, packaging, packing, labeling, transportation, warehousing, quality assurance and processing.
Supply Chain specific VE/VM info
The following links lead to supply chain specific program information and/or points of contact for their respective VE/VM programs. Use of the Assistance Request Module above is recommended to centralize and source assistance requests, but does not preclude contacting provided POCs otherwise.