
Demilitarization (DEMIL) & Trade Security


Management control and oversight of the DoD DEMIL Program.

  • Contact information for DDPO
  • DEMIL Code E/F    (CAC or User ID/Password required) TULSA website with Instructions
  • The U.S. Munitions List (USML)  The articles, services, and related technical data designated as defense articles or defense services pursuant to sections 38 and 47(7) of the Arms Export Control Act appear in part 121 of this subchapter and constitute the U.S. Munitions List (USML). Changes in designations are published in the Federal Register. Paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section describe or explain the elements of a USML category.
  • Commerce Control List (CCL)  The CCL is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further subdivided into five product groups
  • DEMIL TrainingThe Defense Demilitarization Program Course (DDPC) is "mandatory" for DOD Component personnel involved with the DOD DEMIL Program.
  • Regulation: DODM 4160.28 Volume 1 (PDF): This volume assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for program administration, training, planning, code validation, and waivers.
  • Regulation: DODM 4160.28 Volume 2  (PDF): This volume provides procedural guidance for assigning DEMIL codes to control DOD and USCG personal property within the DOD and USCG, DEMIL of DOD personal property, mutilation of sensitive DOD and USCG personal property, and related disposition prior to release from DOD control, including certification and verification.
  • Procedural Guidance  (PDF) 

DoD Trade Security Controls

Trade Security Controls (TSC) prevent illegal acquisition, exportation or other unauthorized transfers of defense and dual-use technology, goods, services and munitions into areas whose interests are adverse to the United States. Areas that have been designated by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, or the Director of Foreign Assets Control. 

  • Contact information for TSC
  • Regulation: DODI 2030.08 (PDF)
  •  Instruction DLAI 4140.09 (PDF)- Trade Security Controls (TSC) for Transfers of Export-Controlled Department of Defense (DoD) Personal Property to Parties Outside DoD Control.
    • In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5111.1 (Reference(a)), this instruction:
      • Reissues DOD Instruction (DODI) 2308.08 (Reference (B)) to establish policy and assign responsibilities to implement DOD TSC measures for transfers of DOD personal property to parties outside DOD Control
      • Reinforces DOD demilitarization (DEMIL) provisions in accordance with DODI 4160.28 (Reference (C)) and DOD manual (DODM) 4160.28 (Reference(d)).
      • Reinforces DOD materiel disposition provisions in accordance with DOD 4160.21-M (Reference (e)).
      • Establishes TSC measures necessary to prevent unauthorized transfers of DOD export-controlled personal property to individuals, entities, or countries.
  • DEMIL TrainingThe Defense Demilitarization Program Course (DDPC) is "mandatory" for DoD Component personnel involved with the DoD DEMIL Program.
  • DLA Form 1822 ( Secured PDF download to open) :  The End-Use Certificate, DLA Form 1822, is a bidding form where you indicate what your "end use" of the property will be, if you receive an award. It is generally required for items coded other than DEMIL Code of “A”. The catalog entry for that item will tell you if an end-use certificate is required. The form is required for property that is controlled. For example, it may require demilitarization by the customer, or an export license should the customer desire to ship it to another country.

    NOTE: The first time you bid on an item requiring end-use certification, a Trade Security Control check will be processed and can take up to 60 days. The Sales Contracting Officer (SCO) cannot award the contract until you have been cleared. During the initial clearance process, you may not be awarded an item for up to 2 months. Once you have obtained this clearance from Trade Security Controls, it is generally good for 5 years, but you still must submit an End-Use Certificate every time one is required. Once you're cleared, subsequent awards are quicker.

  • Instructions for completing DLA Form 1822, End-Use Certificate (PDF)


 Analyze, verify and validate the DEMIL Code on all stock listed National Stock Numbers owned and used by DLA, Military Services, and other Federal Agencies.


Comprehensive training can be obtained in the Defense Demilitarization Program Course The Defense Demilitarization Program Course (DDPC) is "mandatory" for DoD Component personnel involved with the DoD DEMIL Program.