
Equal Employment Opportunity Office

The Equal Employment Opportunity Office is dedicated to preserving the concept of equal opportunity in all terms, conditions and benefits of employment.  Every customer is regularly made aware that we are available to actively listen to their concerns, offer advice when prudent and following up with action, when appropriate.

The mission of our entire staff is to provide comprehensive EEO, Special Emphasis Programs, Disability and Diversity Programs of the highest quality and to serve both management and each employee with sensitivity, concern, and understanding.

EEO Services

Use the information below to learn more about what services EEO provides at Land and Maritime.

Complaints Processing

DownloadEEO Pre-Complaint Intake Form (.pdf)

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IS THE LAW and a vital and fundamental right of every individual. Any employee, former employee, or applicant of DLA Land and Maritime who believe they have been subjected to discrimination because of race, color, sex (to include sexual harassment, pregnancy, transgender, sexual orientation and gender identity), disability (mental or physical), genetic information, age (must be 40 or older), national origin, religion, and reprisal may file an EEO complaint.

Although reports of discrimination may be made to managers and supervisors, complaints of discrimination must be filed with the DLA Land and Maritime Office of Equal Employment and Diversity (EEO). Complaints can be filed:

Allegations of discrimination must be presented within 45 calendar days of the alleged discriminatory act, event, or the effective date of an alleged discriminatory personnel action. Pre-Complaint Counseling must occur before an individual can file a formal complaint. Failure to contact an EEO Official concerning an allegation of discrimination may result in the dismissal of a Formal Complaint of Discrimination.

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Interpreting and CART Services


This email needs to include the following information:

  • Consumer(s) who are deaf/hard of hearing
  • Language mode: (English, ASL, CART, Oral, PSE)
  • Date and time duration
  • Location (full address)
  • Purpose (With topic, agenda, full training name, team meeting, etc.)
  • POC Name
  • POC Phone
  • POC Email

Requests are guaranteed to be processed within core hours, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. EST Monday - Friday.

Advanced scheduling is strongly encouraged - Preferably one to two weeks, to the extent possible. Requirements of duration longer than one-day, at least one month advanced notice is encouraged to ensure adequate time to secure interpreting/CART services. Although it is not possible to foresee every occasion for which services may be requested, failure to schedule services well in advance may result in the necessity to reschedule meetings until interpreting/CART services is available. All efforts will be made to accommodate requests, to include last minute requests.

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Reasonable Accommodations and Personal Assistance Services

It is the policy of the DLA to provide equal opportunity to all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and to fully comply with all other legal and regulatory requirements.
No qualified individual with a disability may be denied the benefits of a program, training, or activity conducted, sponsored, funded, or promoted by the DLA, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination. To this end, reasonable accommodations will be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities, unless doing so poses an undue hardship on the Agency.

Requests for Reasonable Accommodation or a request for Personal Assistance Services should be submitted to the DPM.

Confirmation of Reasonable Accommodation DLA-1887 (.pdf)

For more information visit: Reasonable Accomnodations

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Workforce Recruitment Program

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities, including disabled veterans.

Employers can select from a database pool of over 2,000 candidates from a wide variety of career fields from over 330 college and universities campuses from all 50 states with 104 majors and career disciplines. All candidates are pre-screened and interviewed by professional recruiters.

The WRP is a risk-free hiring solution that allows educated and skilled individuals with disabilities to prove their talents and abilities needed to serve the DLA mission.

If you believe there is an opening in your office for a WRP intern, here's what you should do:

  1. Reach out to the WRP Coordinator for Land and Maritime (, 614-692-8030). Provide a Position Description (PD) or identify the major duties the intern will perform and the skills they would need. The WRP Coordinator will email you potential students meeting your criteria.
  2. Select a student or students from the list of potentials that you feel would be a good match for your office. Notify the WRP Coordinator. You may contact the student or students to determine their interest and discuss the position. Remember only informal offers can be made. If they accept, notify the WRP Coordinator. The WRP Coordinator will contact Human Resources (HR) and the student to begin the hiring process and HR will make a formal offer to the student and establish an onboard date.

WRP is co-sponsored by the Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment (ODEP)  and the U.S. Department of Defense's Office of Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity (ODMEO) It is a database of college students and recent graduates with disabilities looking for summer/temporary and permanent jobs. The WRP has helped provide employment for over 7,000 students and recent graduates with disabilities since 1995.

For more information about the WRP visit the WRP site  or send an  email to to request assistance.

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EEO Employment and Disability Plans and Procedures

For more EEO information and reports including the Management Directive 715 visit the EEO Land and Maritime eworkplace (CAC Required) .

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Special Emphasis EEO Programs (SEP)

Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) were established in the federal government to remove barriers to equal employment opportunity for groups that were traditionally not represented or subjected to discrimination in the workforce. In 1969, Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the federal government, established the Equal Employment Opportunity Program, and implemented the policy of the federal government to provide equal opportunity in employment to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or age; and in 2011, Executive Order 13583, established a coordinated government-wide initiative to promote diversity and Inclusion in the federal workforce.

Their purpose is to ensure that agencies take affirmative steps to provide equal opportunity to everyone in all areas of employment and eliminate discriminatory practices and policies. Through various initiatives, the programs address the unique concerns of specific groups in achieving diversity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity in recruitment, hiring, development, training and advancement.

For more information on these programs, go to the Special Emphasis Programs page on DLA Today (CAC-enabled) or contact us at

All events related to these programs can be found on the DLA Land and Maritime Events Calendar.

African American Employment Program

Observed: January and February
Law: Public Law 98-144 and 99-244 

The purpose of the African-American Employment Program (AAEP) is to ensure that African-Americans have an equal opportunity to compete in all aspects of Federal employment, address the under representation issues, eliminate discriminatory barriers, monitor merit promotions, advise on potential Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEO) complaints, and all personnel activities that impact hiring, development and recognition.

DLA Land and Maritime presents its Annual Carter G. Woodson Award each February to recognize two individuals. The first award is presented to a military or civilian member of the Defense Federal Community who has made significant contributions to the African American Community, and the second award honors an individual from the Central Ohio Community at Large for outstanding contributions, as well.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Asian Pacific Employment Program

Observed: May
Law: Title 36, U.S. Code, Section 102 

The purpose of the DLA Land and Maritime Asian Pacific American (APA) Employment Program is to promote understanding of the Asian Pacific American Culture, to advocate the recruitment, hiring and retention of Asian Pacific Americans, and to eliminate barriers and encourage professional development and leadership skills of DLA Land and Maritime Asian Pacific American associates.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

European American Program

Observed: April
Law: Local policy 

The Equal Employment Opportunity European American Program recognizes the unique prospective and cultural footprint both past and present left by European migrant peoples within DLA Land and Maritime Columbus.   The program celebrates diversity as well as emphasizes the impact of language, culture, history, and current events of Europe through enriching conversation, enjoying various foods, and working to educate and benefit the workforce.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Federal Women's Program

Observed: March and August
Law: Executive Order 113 

In October 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order 11375 which added sex to other prohibited forms of discrimination in the federal government. As a result of this order the Federal Women's Program (FWP) was established. Currently within the federal government all departments and independent agencies must designate FWP Managers. Other agencies and field organizations are not required but are encouraged to designate employees to carry out FWP responsibilities.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Hispanic Employment Program

Observed: September 15 - October 15
Law: Title 36, U.S. Code, Section 126 and Public Law 100-402 

The purpose of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Hispanic Employment Program (HEP) is to ensure that Hispanics have an equal opportunity to compete in all aspects of Federal employment, address the under representation of Hispanics, eliminate discriminatory barriers, monitor merit promotions, Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEO) complaints, and all personnel activities that impact hiring, development and recognition. As an ancillary function, the HEP assists in creating cultural awareness. The EEO HEP consists of a Chair and Coordinator, responsible for the implementation of the program, and committee members that provide support to our endeavors. Our program success depends on the quality, commitment, and support of management at all levels.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Program

Observed: June
Law: Local Policy 

The purpose of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Employment Program (LGBTEP) is to ensure dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Native American Employment Program

Observed: November
Law: Public Law 101-343 

The purpose of this program is to provide focus on issues such as equal program delivery and the employment, promotion, training and career enhancement affecting American Indian employees and applicants in our agency. The month of observance is November for this program.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

People with Disabilities

Observed: October
Law: Title 36, U.S. Code, Section 12

It is the policy of DLA Land and Maritime to provide equal opportunity to all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and to fully comply with all other legal and regulatory requirements. No qualified individual with a disability may be denied the benefits of a program, training, or activity conducted, sponsored, funded, or promoted by the VA, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination. To this end, reasonable accommodations will be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities, unless doing so poses an undue hardship on the Agency.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

Veterans Employment Program

Observed: July
Law: Executive Order 11478, Public Law 92-261 and amendments and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, CFR 29, Park 1614, Sub-chapter

The purpose of the EEO VEP is to work with EEO officials in analyzing the workforce demographics and identify barriers to employment and advancement of Veterans; prioritize identified problems and devise feasible solutions; present findings and recommendations to EEO management and develop joint agreements on required action.

More information on this program can be found on DLA Today Land and Maritime  (CAC-enabled)

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