Contract Features
LTC SPE7LX-18-D-0044 allows for ordering non-NSN Polaris items. These parts are not stocked by DLA, however, they are now available for direct vendor delivery in 7 days from Polaris Sales, the OEM, in Medina, MN.
Supplies covered include replacement parts for the following Polaris vehicle models: DAGOR, MRZR, MV850, SPORTSMAN, RANGER, RZR and GENERAL.
CAGE and P/N Requisitions can be used for email ordering, although Army customers will have to input their requisitions directly via GSCC-A. Specific instructions for processing a ME51N Transaction via GSCC-A are included at the PowerPoint link below.
These P/Ns have already been cataloged for the Army and can be ordered using a standard funded "MILSTRIP" requisition or via “FEDMALL”. The process is the same as ordering approved Army NSNs; the only difference is that you enter the Polaris cage (3FP69) followed by the Polaris P/N (no spaces), in lieu of an NSN.
Other Ordering Methods
Government entities with a GPC/GSA IMPAC card may order directly from the contractor. Orders may be placed by email, telephone or by FAX and will follow commercial practices to the maximum extent practicable including payment through the banking system. The telephone number for credit card orders is 1-866-468-7783, Fax number 763-847-8288, and email at gov.info@polaris.com
Polaris Information and Assistance
Link: https://military.polaris.com/en-us/
E-mail: gov.info@polaris.com.
Verify Polaris P/N: In the top right corner of the Polaris homepage www.polarisdefense.com is a "Part Search" block. You can type in the P/N and select "Go" to verify the P/N you are looking for any superseding P/N.
GCSS-A ME51N Transaction Guide (.pdf)